• MEBT/MEBO治疗新生儿烫伤体会
  • Experience from Treating Neonates with Scald Injuries Using MEBT/MEBO
  • 赵法军,沙艳东.MEBT/MEBO治疗新生儿烫伤体会[J].中国烧伤创疡杂志,2012,24(1):24~26.
    中文关键词:  湿润烧伤膏  保温箱  新生儿烫伤  治疗
    英文关键词:MEBO Ointment  Incubators  Neonate with scald injuries  Treatment
    赵法军 253000 山东 德州德州市第二人民医院烧伤科 
    沙艳东 253000 山东 德州德州市第二人民医院烧伤科 
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          目的 湿润烧伤膏(MEBO) 是目前治疗各种类型烧伤创面的主要药物,但用其治疗新生儿烫伤创面的论文并不甚多,本文旨在总结MEBO治疗新生儿烫伤创面的临床疗效。方法 自2005年至2010年,我院采用MEBO治疗新生儿烫伤11例,将患儿安放在暖箱内,各种不同深度的创面均采用MEBO油纱覆盖半暴露疗法治疗或湿润暴露疗法治疗。半暴露疗法初始,每6h更换药纱1次,湿润暴露疗法每4h换药1次,而后根据创面情况可延长换药间隔时间;同时接受抗感染、抗休克、加强母乳喂养等措施治疗。结果 浅Ⅱ度创面治疗8d~10d愈合,深Ⅱ度创面治疗3w愈合,浅Ⅲ度创面愈合时间最长为25d,治疗过程中未出现全身或局部严重感染、高热、营养不良等病症,随访3~6个月,均未见显性瘢痕增生。结论 湿润烧伤膏治疗新生儿烫伤临床疗效显著,宜在保温箱内接受治疗。
          Objective: Although MEBO Ointment is the main medication to treat various kinds of burns, only a handful of papers relating to treatment of neonates with scalds using MEBO have been published. This paper is aimed to summarize clinical efficacy of MEBO Ointment in the treatment of neonates with scald injuries. Methods: Treat 11 neonates with scald injuries admitted from 2005 to 2010 using MEBO Ointment. Place the patients into the incubators; Choose semi-exposed burn therapy (covering the wound with MEBO Gauze) or exposed burn therapy (only MEBO Ointment) for wound care. Initially, change dressings once every six hours in the case of the semi-exposed burn therapy while for exposed burn therapy, change dressings once every four hours. After the initial dressing application, the dressing change interval can be prolonged according to the wound conditions. Meanwhile, the routine treatments such as anti-infection and anti-shock, as well as increase of breastfeeding were performed. Results: Superficial II degree burns healed within 8~10days; deep II degree burns healed in three weeks; and the longest treatment course for the healing of superficial III degree burns was 25 days. During the treatment, systemic or local severe infection, hyperpyrexia and malnutrition did not occur. No obvious hypertrophic scarring could be seen during 3-6 months follow-up. Conclusion: MEBO Ointment in the treatment of neonates with scald injuries shows significant clinical efficacy and is appropriate to be administered in incubators.