• 婴幼儿烧伤后惊厥的原因及防治
  • Causes and Prevention of Post-burn Convulsion of Infants
  • 孟进松,林国安,李文军,尚新志.婴幼儿烧伤后惊厥的原因及防治[J].中国烧伤创疡杂志,2012,24(1):32~33.
    中文关键词:  婴幼儿烧伤  惊厥  病因  防治方法
    英文关键词:Infant burn injury  Convulsion  Causes  Prevention
    孟进松 463000 河南 驻马店解放军第159医院烧伤中心 
    林国安 463000 河南 驻马店解放军第159医院烧伤中心 
    李文军 463000 河南 驻马店解放军第159医院烧伤中心 
    尚新志 463000 河南 驻马店解放军第159医院烧伤中心 
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          目的 回顾性分析74例烧伤后惊厥患儿的临床资料,总结婴幼儿烧伤后惊厥的常见原因及处理方法。方法 给予婴幼儿惊厥常规治疗,在烧伤创面使用湿润烧伤膏换药治疗。结果 74例患儿中,73例患儿烧伤创面治愈后出院,1例患儿死亡。结论 婴幼儿烧伤后及时有效地行抗休克复苏、维持水电解质稳定、正确的换药方法、积极清除坏死组织,可以减少烧伤后婴幼儿惊厥的发生,提高婴幼儿烧伤治愈率。
          Objective: To summarize the common causes and treatment methods of of post-burn convulsion of infants by retrospectively analyzing the clinical data of 74 such cases. Methods: Routine anti-convulsive interventions were given in association with topical use of MEBO Ointment. Results: Among the 74 infants, 73 of them were cured and discharged while one died. Conclusion: Interventions, including timely and effective fluid resuscitation, maintenance of balanced water and electrolyte concentration, proper wound care and timely removal of necrotic tissues could reduce the occurrence of post-burn convulsion of infants and increase the curative rate of infant burn injury.