• 小儿烧伤后呼吸道感染125例临床分析
  • Clinical Analysis of 125 Burned Children with a Respiratory Infection
  • 尚新志,唐乾利,袁世安,孟进松.小儿烧伤后呼吸道感染125例临床分析[J].中国烧伤创疡杂志,2012,24(3):187~189.
    中文关键词:  小儿烧伤  呼吸道感染  综合治疗
    英文关键词:Pediatric burn  Respiratory infection  Comprehensive treatment
    尚新志 中国人民解放军第159医院全军烧伤中心 
    唐乾利 广西中医学院 
    袁世安 中国人民解放军第159医院全军烧伤中心 
    摘要点击次数: 2586
    全文下载次数: 3859
          目的 总结、探讨小儿烧伤后呼吸道感染的发生原因和诊疗方法。方法 回顾性分析125例烧伤后出现呼吸道感染患儿的临床资料。结果 本组病例除1例中途出院外,其余病例均在治疗5d~7d内咳喘、发热等症状消失,双肺呼吸音基本恢复正常。结论 呼吸系统发育不成熟,液体复苏延迟或补液过快,过度至心肺负担过重,呼吸道缺血缺氧,抗菌素的过量使用,气温变化急骤或换药过程受凉等是小儿烧伤后发生呼吸道感染的主要原因,有针对性的综合治疗效果良好。
          Objective: To summarize and explore the predisposing factors, diagnosis and treatment methods of a pediatric respiratory infection after a burn. Methods: The clinical data of 125 children with respiratory infection after a burn was retrospectively reviewed. Results: All of the patients included in the study, except for one who was discharged in the middle of treatment, showed the disappearance of signs and symptoms including the subsiding of cough and fever and the basic recovery of breath sound of both lungs after 5-7 days of treatment. Conclusion: Main causes of pediatric respiratory infection after a burn include undeveloped respiratory system, late or rapid and too much fluid resuscitation leading to cardiac overload, anoxia and ischemia of the respiratory tract, overuse of antibiotics, sudden temperature changes, cold stimulation during a dressing change and etc.. Thus, a symptomatic comprehensive treatment would be effective.