• MEBO与创疡贴在皮肤软组织挫裂伤中的临床应用
  • Clinical Application of MEBO Wound Ointment and MEBO Wound and Ulcer Dressing in the Treatment of Contusions and Lacerations of Skin Soft Tissues
  • 孙振元.MEBO与创疡贴在皮肤软组织挫裂伤中的临床应用[J].中国烧伤创疡杂志,2012,24(3):209~210.
    中文关键词:  MEBO  创疡贴;软组织挫裂伤;原位再生
    英文关键词:MEBO Wound Ointment, MEBO Wound and Ulcer Dressing, Contusion and laceration of skin soft tissue  Regeneration
    孙振元 菏泽市巨野县中医院 
    摘要点击次数: 2740
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          目的 探讨湿润烧伤膏(MEBO)与创疡贴在皮肤软组织挫裂伤中的临床应用效果。方法 对各种原因造成的153例皮肤软组织挫裂伤患者行Ⅰ期手术清创缝合后,根据创面情况和患者的条件灵活应用MEBO或创疡贴进行治疗,观察患者的耐受性及愈合效果。结果 换药不疼痛或轻微疼痛,患者耐受性好,全部创面在7d~21d愈合,愈合后无色素沉着及明显瘢痕增生。结论 MEBO与创疡贴应用于皮肤软组织挫裂伤的治疗,方法简便,疗效确切,患者耐受性好,值得临床推广。
          Objective: To explore the clinical therapeutic efficacy of MEBO Wound Ointment and MEBO Wound and Ulcer Dressing in treating contusions and lacerations of skin soft tissues. Methods: 153 patients with contusions and lacerations of skin soft tissues resulting from various causes were treated with MEBO Wound Ointment or MEBO Wound and Ulcer Dressing based on wound situations and patients’conditions after the first surgical suture and debridement. The patient compliance and therapeutic efficacy were observed. Results: During the dressing change, no pain or mild pain was reported. All of the wounds healed 7days-12days after the treatment with no pigmentation and no obvious scar hyperplasia. Conclusion: MEBO Wound Ointment and MEBO Wound and Ulcer Dressing in treating contusions and lacerations of skin soft tissues can achieve definite therapeutic efficacy and good patient compliance. It is easy to operate and deserves to be popularized.