• 颈胸皮瓣在颌面部创面修复中的应用
  • The Application of a Cervicothoracic Flap in Repairing Maxillofacial Traumatic Wound
  • 刘 莉,谢明泽,刘 健,刘宏超,张占仲.颈胸皮瓣在颌面部创面修复中的应用[J].中国烧伤创疡杂志,2012,24(3):225~228.
    中文关键词:  颈阔肌  肌皮瓣  颈胸皮瓣  真皮下血管网  颌面部创面
    英文关键词:Platysma  Myocutaneous flap  Cerivico-thoracic skin flap  Subdermal vascular plexus  Maxillofacial wounds
    刘 莉 邯郸市中医院普外科 
    刘 健  
    摘要点击次数: 2296
    全文下载次数: 2815
          目的 探索颈阔肌肌皮瓣及向胸部延伸形成的颈胸皮瓣用于Ⅰ期修复颌面部创面的效果。方法 对45例因颌面部烧伤瘢痕、肿瘤切除、外伤等原因所致的颌面部创面,利用颈阔肌肌皮瓣Ⅰ期修复16例,颈胸皮瓣Ⅰ期修复29例,其中双侧颌面部创面同时修复者10例。结果 45例患者除部分病例的颈胸皮瓣远端出现轻度水疱和肿胀,7d左右肿胀消退,水疱表皮脱落外,未发生1例皮瓣坏死。结论 颈胸皮瓣Ⅰ期修复颌面部创面,皮瓣供血良好,厚薄适宜,色泽红润,功能与外形良好,疗效满意。
          Objective: To explore the clinical efficacy of a platysma myocutaneous flap and a cervicothoracic flap in the first-period repair of a maxillofacial wound. Methods: A total of 45 patients with maxillofacial wounds resulting from burn scar and tumor excision, trauma and etc. were treated with a platysma myocutaneous flap and a cervicothoracic flap. Among them, 16 patients were treated with a platysma myocutaneous flap while 29 patients were treated with a cervicothoracic flap for primary healing, and10 patients with bilateral maxillofacial wounds were also treated, so a total of 55 skin flaps were used,. Cervicalthoracic donor sites were relatively larger with the smallest area being 11cm x 3.5cm and the largest one being 20cm x7.5cm,The width of the flap pedicle was on average 2.5cm~3.5cm and the ratio between the width and the length of the skin flap was 1:2.5~1:1.5 with the transferring angle being 160°~180° and there was no “cat’s ear”. Results: A total of 45 cases with 55 skin flaps were all successfully treated with no skin flap necrosis except for some mild blisters and mild swelling at the distal of cervicalthoracic flaps. However, the swelling subsided and the blister skin fell off about 7 days later . Conclusion: The treatment method is feasible in repairing maxillofacial wounds with primary healing since it can achieve good blood supply, appropriate flap thickness, matched colors, and satisfactory function and appearance.