• 人类再生生命
  • Human Regenerative Life
  • 徐荣祥.人类再生生命[J].中国烧伤创疡杂志,2012,24(4):250~270.
    徐荣祥 北京荣祥再生医学研究所 
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          2012 年5 月25 日, “第十二届全国烧伤创疡学术会议暨首届国际烧伤创疡学术会议” 在江苏南通召开, 徐荣祥教授在会议上做了主题学术报告, 报告分为再生生命、再生还童以及再生生命的再生复原和再生还童的机制三部分, 涉及人体再生复原科学的应用实践, 采用大量的基础研究和临床病例图片, 深入浅出地分析和展示了皮肤原位再生复原, 断指原位再生复原; 通过导入再生营养物质激活启动潜能再生细胞, 和利用再生营养物质使纤维细胞凋亡实现衰老皮肤和瘢痕皮肤的还童; 胃肠组织器官再生还童; 详细介绍了再生营养物质以及再生营养物质细胞内代谢的机制, 展示了心脏、动脉、肺脏、肝脏、肾脏、骨髓、骨骼、肌肉、免疫系统、生殖系统等人体再生复原的应用性研究结果。本报告公布的人体再生还童的理念和成果为人类解开生命健康与返老还童之谜开辟了一条解决之道。本文节选了报告的核心内容, 人体再生复原科学的基础研究和实践研究结果见本刊所附光盘。
          On 25 May 2012, The 12th Chinese Burns Wounds and Ulcers Conference & the 1th International Burns Wounds and Ulcers Conference was held in Nantong, Jiangsu province. This article is the keynote lecture given by Prof XU Rong-xiang during the conference, which includes three parts: regenerative life, regenerative rejuvenation as well as the mechanisms of regenerative restoration and regenerative rejuvenation of the regenerative life. By drawing on a large number of basic researches and clinical pictures, the lecture reported the application achievements of Human Body Regenerative Restoration Science, of which the in situ regenerative restoration of skin and severed fingertips, the rejuvenation of the aged and scarred skin via the introduction of regneratice substance to initiate and activate the PRCs (Potential Regenerative Cells) and to induce the apoptosis of fibroblasts, the regeneration and rejuvenation of GI tissues and organs, and the regenerative substance and its intracellular metabolic mechanism as well as the application outcomes of the Science in human organs and systemsincluding heart, artery, lung, liver, kidney, bone marrow, bone, muscle, immune system and reproductive system, etc. were presented and analyzed in an easy-to-understanding way. The concept and achievements of human body regeneration and rejuventation released in this lecture provide a solution for human beings to decode the mysteries of longlife health and rejuvenation. This paper is the abstracted core content of the lecture. As for the outcomes of basic and practical researches of Human Body Regenerative Restoration Science, please refer to the attached DVD contained in the Journal.