• MEBO培植微粒皮再生疗法
  • MEBO-Cultured Micro-skin and Regenerative Therapy
  • 胡栋材.MEBO培植微粒皮再生疗法[J].中国烧伤创疡杂志,2012,24(4):306.
    胡栋材 北京美宝烧伤创疡研究所 
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          湿润烧伤膏(MEBO) 培植微粒皮再生疗法是皮肤原位再生复原技术(MEBT/ MEBO) 的临床过渡外科技术。它针对目前深Ⅲ度烧伤治疗仍以切痂或截肢、切瘢植皮法, 对瘢痕体质患者束手无策, 应用切削痂技术的外科医生在不能短时间内掌握MEBO/ MEBT 治疗深Ⅲ度创面的现状来实现的快速封闭深Ⅲ度创面的疗法。其应用范围包括: 大面积深Ⅲ度烧伤创面、开放性体表创伤缺损创面和电击伤创面等。主要步骤: 1. 由表入里地削除创面2/3 层坏死组织后, 使用MEBO 液化排除创面坏死组织; 2. 原位培养新鲜皮下组织; 3. 新鲜皮下组织平皮后, 进行微粒皮种植; 4. 原位培养种植微粒皮使其形成正常皮肤组织, 实现创面愈合。优点: 1. 缩短封闭创面疗程; 2. 减少外科创伤和治疗痛苦; 3. 原位再生复原皮下组织; 4. 创面皮肤再生愈合; 5. 质量远远优于切痂植皮术。缺点: 愈后质量不及MEBT/ MEBO 疗法。
          MEBO-cultured micro-skin therapy is the clinical transitional technique of MEBT/ MEBO and is an expedient therapy of closing deep Ⅲ degree burns faster used by clinicians who are used to using conventional desiccation, escharectomy and skin grafting, having no way except escharectomy for scarring-susceptible patients and have difficulty in commanding MEBT/ MEBO in a short time. The indications of this therapy include extensive deep Ⅲ degree burns, open trauma and defect of body surface and electrical burns and so on. The main procedures are: 1. Remove a depth of 2/3 necrotic tissue from the external to the internal and use MEBO to liquefy and discharge the necrotic tissues on the wound; 2. In situ culture the fresh subcutaneous tissue; 3. Perform micro-skin planting when the fresh subcutaneous tissue flats the skin; 4. In situ culture and plant the micro-skin to make it develop into normal skin tissue and finally realize wound healing. The advantages of this therapy are: 1. Shorten the time of wound closure; 2. Reduce the suffering of surgical trauma and treatment; 3. In situ regenerate and restore subcutaneous tissues; 4. Regenerative healing of wounds; 5. Far better quality of healing than escharectomy and skin grafting. But the disadvantage is that wound healing quality is inferior to that of MEBT/ MEBO.