• 原位再生医疗技术与微粒皮种植术在双溪毛鲁医院的临床应用经验
  • Skin Micro-planting and MEBO Therapy: A Sungai Buloh Hospital Experience
  • SJ·穆德·尤瑟夫.原位再生医疗技术与微粒皮种植术在双溪毛鲁医院的临床应用经验[J].中国烧伤创疡杂志,2012,24(4):307.
    SJ·穆德·尤瑟夫 双溪毛鲁医院 
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          总结了接受微粒皮种植术的12 例患者的治疗经验。随机选择2010 年1 月到2012 年2 月间接受此疗法治疗的12 例患者, 年龄13 ~68 岁, 创面按致伤原因分为: 3 例全层皮肤烧伤创面、3 例创伤创面、3 例术后创面、3 例糖尿病溃疡创面。对于这些难愈性创面, 在用湿润烧伤膏(MEBO) 培养创面组织后, 进行微粒皮种植术治疗, 治疗后10 例患者创面愈合, 2 例患者由于微粒皮种植术后只有50% 创面上皮化而再次实施微粒皮种植术, 创面愈合后随访3 周~2 年。优点: 是不适合手术患者的理想治疗方法, 供皮区相对较小, 可促进创面较快愈合, 手术操作简便, 可在门诊实施, 患者耐受性好, 节省手术和随访时间, 是一种临床治疗难愈性创面的实用方法。
          The clinical experience of 12 cases receiving micro-skin planting was summarized. During the period from Jan. 2010 to Feb. 2012, 12 patients receiving micro-skin planting were enrolled randomly and their ages ranged between 13 ~ 68. Based on the causes, the wounds included 3 cases of full thickness burns wounds, 3 cases of traumatic wounds, 3 cases of diabetic ulcers and 3 cases of post surgical wounds. To manage these chronic wounds, firstly use MEBO to culture wound tissues and then perform micro-skin planting. After the treatment, 10 cases healed and the other 2 cases had to receive the secondary micro-skin planting due to only 50% epithelization of the wounds after the first planting. After healing, the follow-up was carried out 3 weeks ~2 years. The advantages of this method are: Ideal for patients who are not suitable for operation, requiring a relatively small donor site, promoting healing, easy to operate, able to be done in outpatient service and well tolerant as well as saving the operation time and follow-up time. This is a practical method for clinical therapy of refractory wounds.