• 1 例断指再生病例报告
  • Treatment Experience of Severed Finger Regeneration:A Case Report
  • 任建生.1 例断指再生病例报告[J].中国烧伤创疡杂志,2012,24(4):315.
    任建生 河南宝丰县中医院 
    摘要点击次数: 2395
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          医学历史记载, 末节断指是不可能再生的, 但自从报道MEBT/ MEBO 再生复原末节断指后, 末节断指再生已成为可能。作者在临床上多次应用MEBT/ MEBO 治疗末节手指离断, 均获得了与报道一致的临床效果。现报告本院治疗的1 例末节手指离断的临床结果: 患者邢某, 女, 55 岁, 门诊诊断: 左食指末节损伤缺如, 检查发现左食指末节已完全离断, 末节指骨缺失约2/3, 外露, 止血后创面外涂湿润烧伤膏(MEBO), 敷料包扎, 每日门诊换药2 次, 15 d 后每日换药1 次, 30 d 后创面愈合, 继续以MEBO 作为护肤油使用, 162 d 后门诊复查, 断指部位完全再生复原, 外观及功能均良好。
          It is recorded in medical history that the distal finger is not possible to be regenerated, but with the reports of regenerative recovery of the distal finger with MEBT/ MEBO, the distal finger regeneration has come true. The author applies MEBT/ MEBO in clinic for many times in the treatment of severed distal finger and obtained the consistent result with the reported clinical outcomes. Here, one case of severed distal finger treated in the author’s hospital by MEBT/ MEBO was reported: Ms. XING, female, 55 years old, out-patient diagnosis as left index finger distal injury and absence. Based on the examination, left index finger distal was severed completely with distal phalanx lost about 2/3 and exposed. Coat the wound with moist exposed burn ointment (MEBO) after haemostasis and change dressing twice daily as outpatient for 15 days, and once daily after that till wound healing in 30 days. Continue to use MEBO as protective skin care cream. Follow-up after 162 days showed the patient’s finger had complete regeneration with good appearance and function.