• 皮肤原位再生复原医疗技术的微粒皮种植在大面积皮肤损伤中的应用
  • Application of Micro-skin Planting Technique of MEBT / MEBO in the Treatment of Extensive Skin Injury
  • 董建军.皮肤原位再生复原医疗技术的微粒皮种植在大面积皮肤损伤中的应用[J].中国烧伤创疡杂志,2012,24(4):322.
    董建军 贵阳市第六人民医院 
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          传统医学治疗大面积皮肤损伤多采用干燥、切痂植皮等治疗方法, 存在创面愈合困难, 瘢痕增生严重及肢体功能障碍等缺点。该院采用皮肤原位再生复原医疗技术(MEBT/ MEBO) 的微粒皮种植术治疗了19 例患者(36 个创面), 在解决大面积皮肤损伤方面取得了良好疗效。所有病例均无残疾, 其中15 例患者完全恢复劳动能力, 4 例患者完全恢复生活自理能力。实践证明, 该项技术具有创面愈合快、瘢痕轻、皮肤弹性好、功能恢复好等优点。
          The treatment approaches for extensive skin injury in conventional medicine are commonly desiccation, escharectomy, skin graft and etc. which have the disadvantages of healing difficulty, severe scar hyperplasia, dysfunction of extremities and so on. A total of 19 cases with 36 wounds were treated with the micro-skin planting technique of MEBT/ MEBO in our hospital, and very good therapeutic efficacy was obtained in that no case was left disabled, 15 case recovered labor ability completely and the other 4 cases recovered self-care ability. The practice proved that this technique has the advantages of faster wound healing, lighter scarring, good skin elasticity and well functional recovery and etc.