• 湿润烧伤膏在烧伤创面治疗中的作用
  • Moist Exposed Burn Ointment in the Management of Burn Wound
  • V·贾亚拉曼.湿润烧伤膏在烧伤创面治疗中的作用[J].中国烧伤创疡杂志,2012,24(5):356.
    中文关键词:  湿润烧伤膏  磺胺嘧啶银  深Ⅱ度烧伤  生理湿润环境  上皮形成  抗炎  防瘢
    英文关键词:Moist Exposed Burn Ointment  SSD  Partial thickness burn  A physiological moist environment  Epithilialization  Anti-inflammation  Anti-scarring
    V·贾亚拉曼 金奈市Kilpauk 医学院& 医院整形整容大外科烧伤科 
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          烧伤治疗一直是烧伤领域中的一大难题。烧伤创面的局部治疗要求早期清创, 并为创面提供一个适宜的环境刺激上皮形成和细胞的分化。早在30 年前, 烧伤的标准化治疗方案就已经形成, 包括早期切痂及韧厚皮移植, 但治疗效果不尽人意。为了改善愈合后的皮肤质量, 尤其是减少增生性瘢痕的产生, 人们仍需探索新的治疗方法。笔者对Kilpauk 医学院医院的烧伤患者进行了创面愈合评价, 包括100 名经湿润烧伤膏(MEBO)治疗的患者及100 名经磺胺嘧啶银软膏治疗的患者, 并对比分析了两组患者创面的愈合效果。结果显示, MEBO在深Ⅱ度浅型及深Ⅱ度深型烧伤患者的治疗中取得了成功。MEBO 可在创面形成一种具有抗炎作用的生理性湿润环境, 并为创面提供了一种营养基质, 这种营养基质能清除创面焦痂并促进创面上皮再生。本前瞻性研究旨在评价MEBO 在Ⅱ度烧伤中的应用效果。2010 年8 月至2011 年5 月期间, 100 名经MEBO 治疗的Ⅱ度烧伤患者同另100 名使用磺胺嘧啶银软膏治疗的Ⅱ度烧伤患者在清创效果, 抗炎效果, 愈合效果, 瘢痕形成及色素沉着方面进行了对比, 结果发现经过MEBO 治愈的创面, 皮肤颜色及瘢痕形成均优于磺胺嘧啶银组。
          Management of burns remains one of the greatest challenges in burn care. Local management of a burn wound requires early wound debridement and an optimum environment to stimulate epithelialisation and cellular proliferation. Protocol was developed as early as 30 years ago for the management of burns that includes early excision and SSG coverage. The results were not perfect. The quality of healed skin as well as the prominence of hypertrophic scar needs to explore the novel approaches. Wound healing assessment was made in burn wounds in 100 patients treated with MEBO cream and in 100 patients with Silver Sulpha Diazine Cream at the Kilpauk Medical College Hospital, Burns Unit. The comparative analysis is presented to assess the wound healing pattern in both the groups. Moist exposed burn ointment has been used with success in the management of deep superficial partial thickness and deep partial thickness burns in our department. The MEBO cream creates a physiological moist environment over the wound inducing an anti-inflammatory effect. It provides a nutritive base for the wound and debrides the wound eschar and expedites wound epithelialisation. The purpose of this study was to prospectively evaluate the outcome of the use of MEBO for second degree burns. Between August 2010 to May 2011 period 100 patients with second degree burns underwent MEBO cream application and were compared with 100 patients who had silver sulphadiazine cream . The result was analysed for the nature of wound debridement, reduction of inflammation, healing pattern, scar and pigmentation, MEBO provides excellent skin pigmentation and minimal visible scar.