• 烧伤再生疗法液体复苏公式应用分析
  • Application Analysis of Fluid Resuscitation Formula of MEBT / MEBO
  • 梁雨合,张向清.烧伤再生疗法液体复苏公式应用分析[J].中国烧伤创疡杂志,2012,24(5):371~374.
    中文关键词:  烧伤再生疗法  液体复苏  大面积烧伤
    英文关键词:MEBT/ MEBO  Fluid resuscitation  Extensive burns
    梁雨合 济南军区医学科技情报研究中心 
    张向清 中国中西医结合学会烧伤专业委员会 
    摘要点击次数: 2446
    全文下载次数: 2846
          烧伤休克是创伤休克的特殊类型, 它既不同于失血性休克, 也不完全相同于创伤休克, 有着特定的规律性和时限性。本文复习了近年来有关再生疗法治疗大面积烧伤的液体复苏资料, 分析了胶晶型公式(通用公式) 和再生疗法公式(荣祥公式) 的临床应用情况。认为这两个公式均可采用, 其计算量仅是参考值, 关键在于根据每小时每公斤体重1 ml尿量调整或控制液体输入量, 在排出尿液正常的情况下, 一般不会出现液体输入过剩或亏欠现象。
          Burn shock is a special type of traumatic shock, which is neither hemorrhagic shock nor traumatic shock but has its own specific regularity and time-limitation. This article reviewed the data of fluid resuscitation in MEBT/ MEBO treatment of extensive burns and made an analysis on the clinical use of both glue crystal formula (common formula) and MEBT/ MEBO formula (Rongxiang Formula). It is believed that both of the two formulas could be used, of which the calculated volume only serves as a reference, and the key to controlling the normal urine output without fluid excess or deficient is to adjust and regulate the resuscitation fluid volume based on the volume of 1ml urine output of one kilogram of bodyweight per hour.