• MEBO 治疗皮瓣切取创面游离植皮成活不良的疗效分析
  • Curative Effect Analysis of MEBO in Treating Skin Flap Donor Sites after the Failure of Free Skin Grafting
  • 张勇,鲁国军,王小宁,李斐.MEBO 治疗皮瓣切取创面游离植皮成活不良的疗效分析[J].中国烧伤创疡杂志,2012,24(5):398~399.
    中文关键词:  皮瓣切取创面  植皮成活不良  湿润烧伤膏  疗效
    英文关键词:Skin flap donor site  Failure of free skin grafting  MEBO  Effect
    张勇 山东省乐陵市人民医院骨科 
    摘要点击次数: 2380
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          目的 湿润烧伤膏(MEBO) 是目前治疗各种类型烧伤创面的主要药物, 但用其治疗各类皮瓣切取创面游离植皮成活不良的报道不多, 本文旨在总结MEBO 治疗皮瓣切取创面游离植皮成活不良的临床疗效。方法 自2010 年1 月至2012 年1 月, 采用MEBO 治疗这类创面42 例(处), 创面用碘伏消毒后生理盐水冲洗干净, 拭干后外涂MEBO, 厚1 mm ~ 2 mm, 均匀涂布整个创面, 尔后外敷MEBO 药纱, 每日换药1 次。结果 42 例(处) 患者全部治愈, 平均愈合天数为33 d。结论 MEBO 治疗皮瓣切取创面游离植皮成活不良, 避免了二次植皮手术, 减轻了患者的心理恐惧和经济负担, 操作简便, 易于取材, 值得推广。
          Objective MEBO is the main medication for the treatment of burn wounds of various types at present, but there are few reports on the study of MEBO in treating skin flap donor sites after the failure of free skin grafting. This paper is to analyze the efficacy of MEBO in treating skin flap donor sites after the failure of free skin flap grafting. Methods  From January 2010 to January 2012, 42 cases (42 wounds) with skin flap donor sites having failed free skin grafting were treated with MEBO. Wash the wounds with saline solution after Iodophor disinfection, and then smear MEBO on the wounds completely at a thickness of 1 mm -2 mm, and lastly coverer the wounds with MEBO gauze and change dressing once every day. Results Forty-two cases with 42 wounds of skin flap donor sites after the failure of free skin grafting were all cured, with an average healing time of 33 days. Conclusion MEBO when used to treat skin flap donor sites after the failure of free skin grafting can avoid the secondary skin grafting, reduce the fear and economic burden of patients and is also easy to operate and to obtain, which, therefore, is convenient for popularization.