• 烧伤感染对血清中补体C3 和IL-10 水平的影响
  • Influence of Burn Infection on Complement C3 and IL-10 Level in Blood Serum
  • 闫沛,李武平,代艳然.烧伤感染对血清中补体C3 和IL-10 水平的影响[J].中国烧伤创疡杂志,2012,24(6):439~443.
    中文关键词:  烧伤感染  脓毒血症  补体C3  白细胞介素-10  免疫调节
    英文关键词:Burn infection  Septicopyemia  Complement C3  Interlukin-10  Immunoregulation
    闫沛 第四军医大学西京医院 
    摘要点击次数: 1948
    全文下载次数: 2338
          目的 分析烧伤感染对血清中补体C3 和IL-10 水平的影响, 旨在根据其变化水平及时给予合适的免疫调节治疗, 预防感染的发生。方法 分别采集患者烧伤后第3、7、14 天的创面分泌物和外周血, 对分泌物做细菌培养, 用酶联免疫吸附测定法(Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, ELISA) 检测血清中的补体C3 和IL-10水平, 病情严重疑有脓毒血症者及时进行血培养。结果 烧伤后创面感染率不断上升, 脓毒血症发生率达16.4%, 对补体C3 水平的影响无统计学意义(P >0.05), 但烧伤后第14 天脓毒血症患者血清中IL-10 水平是创面感染患者的2 倍, 相比有统计学意义(P <0.05)。结论 补体C3 水平升高有利于提高机体抵抗力, 但不能反映机体的感染情况; IL-10 水平过度升高对感染加重有一定的预警作用, 在临床判断过程中辅助监测血清中IL-10水平有助于发现感染加重的趋势, 以便及时给予免疫调节治疗。
          Objective To analyze the influence of burn infection on complement C3 and IL-10 level in blood serum with the purpose of providing timely and proper immunoregulation based on the level changes and preventing the occurrence of infection. Methods Collect the secretion and the peripheral blood on the wounds respectively at the third, seventh and fourteenth day postburn. Do bacterial culture to the secretion and use ELISA method to test the levels of complement C3 and IL-10 level in blood serum. For serious cases that were suspected with septicopyemia, the blood culture was performed immediately. Results The postburn wound infection rate increased continuously and the incidence of septicopyemia also reached 16. 4%. But the effects they exerted on the level of complement C3 had no statistical significance (P >0. 05). However, at the fourteenth day postburn, the level of IL-10 in blood serum of patients with septicopyemia was two times over that of the patients with burn infection, and the comparison had significance in statistics (P <0. 05). Conclusion The increase of complement C3 level can improve the body immunity but can not reflect the infection situation of the body, while the excessive increase of IL-10 level signifies the aggravation of infection to some extent, and in clinic, the auxiliary detection of IL-10 level in blood serum can help to discover the tendency of infection aggravation and so that prompt immunoregulation can be given.