• MEBT/ MEBO 救治小儿烧伤14 年病例总结
  • Case Review on Pediatric Burns Treated with MEBT / MEBO within Fourteen Years
  • 徐成华,段砚方,胡景煌,唐姜南,涂江辉,李厚东.MEBT/ MEBO 救治小儿烧伤14 年病例总结[J].中国烧伤创疡杂志,2012,24(6):444~447.
    中文关键词:  MEBT/ MEBO  小儿烧伤  经验总结  疗效
    英文关键词:MEBT/ MEBO  Children Burn  Experience summary  Treatment efficacy
    徐成华 宜昌市中医院烧伤科 
    摘要点击次数: 2044
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          目的 对14 年来采用烧伤湿性医疗技术(MEBT/ MEBO) 治疗的小儿烧伤患者病历资料进行回顾性分析, 总结治疗经验及存在的问题, 为小儿烧伤的临床治疗提供帮助。方法 回顾性总结该组2757例烧伤患儿应用MEBT/ MEBO治疗的病历资料, 分析患儿的发病年龄、发病人群、烧伤面积与深度、治疗效果及预后情况等。结果 2757 例烧伤患儿经MEBT/ MEBO 治疗后共治愈2749 例, 治愈率为99.7%; 死亡6 例, 死亡率为0.2%, 其中2 例死于多脏器功能衰竭, 3 例死于创面脓毒症, 1 例死因不明; 2 例放弃治疗。结论 MEBT/ MEBO治疗小儿烧伤疗效满意, 可缓解患儿疼痛, 促进创面愈合, 预防创面脓毒症的发生, 愈后不易形成瘢痕, 不影响烧伤部位功能, 并且对新生皮肤组织具有保护作用, 患儿及家长易于接受。
          Objective To summarize the treatment experience and existing problems of pediatric burns by retrospectively analyzing the fourteen-year case data of pediatric burn patients treated with MEBT/ MEBO in our hospital, so as to provide help for the clinical treatment of children burn. Methods Summarize retrospectively the case data of a total of 2757 pediatric burn patients treated with MEBT/ MEBO and analyze the onset age, onset population feature, burn area and depth, treatment efficacy and prognosis, and etc. Results After the treatment of MEBT/ MEBO, 2749 cases out of the total 2757 children patients was cured with a curative rate of 99. 7%. Eight cases died with a mortality rate of 0. 2%, of which two died of multiple organ failure, three died of sepsis, one died of unclear reason and the other two died due to their giving up of treatment. Conclusion MEBT/ MEBO in the treatment of pediatric burns can achieve satisfying efficacy in that it can relieve patients’ pain, promote wound healing and prevent the occurrence of sepsis. Besides, scarring is inhibited after wound healing so that the function of burned area will not be affected, and moreover, it can protect the newly generated skin tissue and is easily accepted by patients and their families.