• 美宝创疡贴对小儿Ⅱ度烧(烫) 伤创面愈合过程的影响
  • Influence of MEBO Wound & Ulcer Dressing on the Wound Healing Process of Pediatric Second-degree Burns (Scald wounds)
  • 王纪龙,左海亮.美宝创疡贴对小儿Ⅱ度烧(烫) 伤创面愈合过程的影响[J].中国烧伤创疡杂志,2013,25(2):100~101.
    中文关键词:  美宝创疡贴  小儿烧伤  烫伤  愈合  影响
    英文关键词:MEBO Wound and Ulcer Dressing  Pediatric burns  Scald  Healing  Influence
    王纪龙 天津市儿童医院烧伤科 
    摘要点击次数: 3547
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          目的 观察美宝创疡贴(MEBO wound and ulter Dressing) 对小儿Ⅱ度烧(烫) 伤创面(浅Ⅱ度~深Ⅱ度)愈合过程的影响。方法 对2008年5月~2012年3月接诊的200例小儿Ⅱ度烧(烫) 伤患者创面用美宝创疡贴外敷处理,观察创疡贴与创面的黏着程度,患儿是否配合,创面有无渗液、感染等表现,记录创面愈合时间。结果 创疡贴与Ⅱ度烧(烫)伤创面黏着良好,在适度压力包扎固定的情况下不易移位或脱落。本组Ⅱ度烧(烫)伤创面均于伤后3周内愈合,最短愈合时间为伤后1周,此类创面属于浅Ⅱ度创面;深Ⅱ度创面换药处理3d~5d,坏死组织层基本脱落,逐渐出现散在新生皮岛,最终相互融合,覆盖创面,且这类创面均在2~3周愈合,创面无渗液,新生皮肤生长良好。愈合3个月后复诊检查,新生皮肤平整,未见色素沉着。结论 美宝创疡贴在及时清创后的Ⅱ度烧(烫) 创面上有良好的黏着力,可控制创面渗出,减轻创面疼痛,促使创面一期愈合。
          Objective: To observe the influence of MEBO Wound and Ulcer Dressing on the healing process of pediatric second-degree burns (scald) (superficial second degree to deep second degree). Methods: Two-hundred children with second-degree burns (scald) admitted between May of 2008 and March of 2012 were managed with MEBO Wound and Ulcer Dressing, observing the adhesive degree of MEBO Dressing with the wound, the cooperation degree of children, the situation of exudation and infection, and recording the wound healing time. Results: MEBO Dressing can attach to the burn (scalded) wound of second degree very well and it was secure enough from displacing or felling off once fixed by bandage with proper pressure. All the burned (scalded) wounds of second-degree in this study got healed in three weeks, and superficial second-degree wounds realized the shortest healing time of one week. Around 3~5 days after the dressing change, the layer of necrotic tissue of wounds of deep second-degree basically fell off and there was newly generated skin islands scattering on the wound surface which finally integrated with each other to cover the wound. Such wounds got healed in 2~3 weeks with excellent new skin growth and there was no exudates on the wound. During the return visit examination three months after healing, the newly generated skin was smooth without pigmentation. Conclusion: MEBO Wound and Ulcer Dressing has great adhesive force to the burned (scalded) wound of second-degree after timely debridement, which is effective in controlling the wound exudation, relieving pain and promoting the primary healing of wounds.