• 多中心随机对照试验:再生复原技术治疗各种开放性创面的疗效评价
  • Assessment of Regenerative Therapy (MEBT/MEBO) in Healing of Various Open Wounds: A Multicenter Controlled Randomized Trial
  • Mahmoud F.Sakr,王乡宁,付子俊,Hossam Hamed,Hesham EL-Torky.多中心随机对照试验:再生复原技术治疗各种开放性创面的疗效评价[J].中国烧伤创疡杂志,2013,25(3):211~229.
    中文关键词:  再生疗法  褥疮  糖尿病足  开放性创面
    英文关键词:Regenerative therapy – MEBT/MEBO – Pressure ulcers – diabetic foot – open wounds
    Mahmoud F.Sakr 亚历山大大学医学部外科 
    王乡宁 四川省雅安市人民医院烧伤整形科 
    Hossam Hamed 艾哈迈迪医院外科 
    Hesham EL-Torky  
    摘要点击次数: 3339
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          目的 评估再生疗法(MEBT/MEBO)治疗各种急慢性开放性创面的安全性和有效性。方法 将2007年1月至2012年1月期间因各种开放性创伤就诊于3家不同医院的276例患者(376处创面)随机分组,接受MEBT/MEBO治疗(1组:患者141例,创面190处)或生理盐水湿敷治疗(2组:患者135例,创面186处)。前瞻性收集人口统计学、诱发疾病、合并症和创面特征等数据;每隔2周计算和对比创面面积和愈合指数,持续12周;记录治疗后24周的二次截肢情况。结果 开放性创伤包括慢性褥疮(202处)、糖尿病足溃疡(119处)和各种其它创面(55处)。受试患者中171例(63%)为男性,105例(37%)为女性;年龄介于5~102岁,平均年龄63岁±14.5岁。两组患者在人口统计学、临床特点、生化检查和创面特征方面接近。MEBT/MEBO治疗组在治疗2周时,其愈合指数显著升高、创面面积显著缩小;在12周时,MEBT/MEBO组中66.3%(126/190)的创面实现了完全愈合(HI=1),而生理盐水湿敷组仅22.6%(42/186)的创面完全愈合(x2=71.4,P=0.000)。治疗12周时,MEBT/MEBO组无1例患者的愈合指数<0.5;而生理盐水湿敷组38.7%(72/186)的患者愈合指数<0.5(x2=165,P=0.000)。两组患者均无不良反应或过敏反应发生。治疗后24周,与生理盐水湿敷组相比,MEBT/MEBO治疗组的二次截肢率明显降低(3.3%∶19.0%)(x2=7.57,P=0.006)。结论 MEBT/MEBO不仅操作简便、使用安全,还能显著促进开放性创面的愈合,治疗2周就可显著提高创面愈合指数,12周时几乎2/3的创面可完全愈合,24周时糖尿病足溃疡患者中发生二次截肢的患者明显减少。
          Objectives: To assess the efficacy and safety of regenerative therapy (MEBO/MEBT) (SanTou MEBO Pharmaceutical CO., LTD., China) in healing of various acute and chronic open wounds. Subjects and Methods: Consecutive patients (n=276) with various open wounds (n=376) treated at 3 different hospitals, between January 2007- January 2012, were randomized to receive either MEBT/MEBO (Group 1, n=141 with 190 wounds) or saline wet-to-moist dressing (Group 2 controls, n=135 with 180 wounds). Data collected prospectively included demographics, predisposing disease, co-morbidities, and wound characteristics. Surface area (SA) and healing index (HI) were calculated and compared at two-week intervals for 12 weeks, and secondary amputations were recorded at 24 weeks post-treatment.Results: Open wounds included chronic pressure ulcers (CPUs) (n=202), diabetic foot ulcers (DFUs) (n=119), and miscellaneous group (n=55). 171 patients (63%) were male and 105 (37%) were female. Their ages ranged between 5-102 years, with a mean of 63±14.5 years. Patients in both groups had similar demographic, clinical, biochemical and wound characteristics. There was a significant increase in HI and reduction in SA starting at weeks two after initiation of treatment in patients treated with MEBT/MEBO. At 12 weeks, 66.3% of wounds (126/190) treated with MEBT/MEBO had complete healing (HI=1) as opposed to only 22.6% (42/186) of those treated with saline (X2=71.4, P=0.000). None of the patients receiving MEBT/MEBO had a HI of <0.5 at 12 weeks as compared to 38.7% (72/186) of those receiving saline (X2=165, P=0.000). No adverse or hypersensitivity reactions were encountered. At 24-weeks post-treatment, the rate of secondary amputations was significantly reduced by regenerative therapy (MEBT/MEBO) as compared to saline controls (3.3% versus 19%, respectively) (X2=7.52, P=0.006).Conclusions: In addition to its simplicity and safety, MEBT/MEBO significantly promotes the healing of open wounds with significant increase in HI of any given wound, reflected by reduction of SA, as early as two weeks post-treatment, with complete healing (HI=1) of approximately two-thirds (66.3%) of wounds by 12 weeks and total effectiveness rate (HI >0.5) of 100%. At 24 weeks after initiation of treatment, patients with DFUs treated with MEBT/MEBO undergo significantly fewer secondary amputations than controls.