• 衰老皮肤再生还童机理
  • Regenerative Rejuvenation of Ageing Skin?and Its?Mechanism
  • 徐荣祥.衰老皮肤再生还童机理[J].中国烧伤创疡杂志,2013,25(4):249~268.
    中文关键词:  人体再生复原科学  再生还童  衰老皮肤  机理
    英文关键词:Human Body Regenerative Restoration Science  Regenerative Rejuvenation  Ageing skin  Mechanism
    徐荣祥 北京荣祥再生医学研究所 
    摘要点击次数: 2937
    全文下载次数: 4447
          古往今来, 衰老都是人类无法对抗的世界性难题, 其实质是人体内各个组织器官解剖结构的逐渐改变和生理功能的逐渐衰退, 最终结果是生命的终止, 这是大自然赋予人类的客观规律。 为了对抗这种自然规律, 生命科学领域曾多次试图通过改变人类基因、 制造新物种等方法延缓人类的衰老, 并在这些方面投入了大量精力、 付出了大量心血, 但最终都随着20世纪著名生命科学家、 基因学之父———沃森的“否定基因治疗” 的演讲而宣告失败。 这说明任何没有科学结果的试验都只属于科学探索, 不代表科学真理。 而人体再生复原科学则是以实实在在的科学结论为主导, 秉持顺应生命属性规律的原则, 研究人体自身存在细胞的再生潜能和所需的再生营养物质。 该技术利用人体再生潜能和外源性再生营养物质, 原位再生复原自身组织和器官的后天缺损、 提前衰老、 异变、 严重疾病、 提前凋亡, 从而保障人体组织和器官的正常生理结构和功能, 实现预防和治疗疾病、 预防和中止人体提前衰老、 原位再生复原提前衰老的组织和器官等。 这是目前世界上唯一可以做到中止人体组织器官衰老、 实现人体组织器官再生复原和还童的科学, 也是目前生命科学领域唯一一个获得科学结果验证的真实性科学体系。 正是在这个科学体系下, 完成了人体最大器官———皮肤组织器官的再生还童, 当然, 这只是该体系中的一项科学成果, 本讲座便是针对这项成果的再生还童机理进行的综述。
          Since ancient times, ageing has long been a tough task that seems unable to be tackled by human beings. The essence of ageing is the gradual degeneration of anatomical structure and physiological functions of various tissues and organs, which eventually results in termination of life. This is the law of nature. Human beings have ever tried to fight against the natural law, and the life science community has devoted huge amount of energy and efforts into the attempts, such as modifying genes and creating new species and etc., to delay the process of ageing. However, all these efforts seemed unsuccessful when James Watson, the most renowned life scientist in the 20th century and “Father of Genetics”, declared negation of gene therapy. It tells us that all hypotheses without the confirmation of actual results should be regarded as scientific exploration rather than truth. In contrast, our Human Body Regenerative Restoration Science (HBRRS) is based on the scientific results, following the principle of conforming to the attributes of life. By taking advantage of the potentials of human body regeneration and exogenous regenerative nutrients, our science studies the regenerative potentials of cells in our body and the regenerative nutrients in order to regenerate tissues and organs in situ to resolve such problems as acquired defects, premature aging, degeneration, serious diseases and premature apoptosis, thus protecting normal physiological structures and functions of body tissues and organs to realize the goal of preventing and curing diseases, preventing and terminating premature aging, and regenerating and restoring in situ the prematurely ageing tissues and organs. It is currently the only science that can cease the aging process and achieve the regenerative restoration and rejuvenation of organs and the human body. More importantly, it is the only true science confirmed by scientific results, serving as the only scientific truth in life science circle. Under this scientific system, we accomplished the regenerative rejuvenation of skin - the largest organ of the human body, which is just one of our scientific achievements. This lecture is a review on the mechanism of the achievement.