• MEBO结合创疡贴治疗颜面部皮肤挫擦伤的疗效分析
  • Therapeutic Efficacy Analysis of MEBO in Combination with MEBO Dressing in the Treatment of Facial Skin Contusion and Abrasion
  • 吴日强.MEBO结合创疡贴治疗颜面部皮肤挫擦伤的疗效分析[J].中国烧伤创疡杂志,2013,25(4):288~289.
    中文关键词:  MEBO  创疡贴  软组织挫擦伤  原位再生  治疗
    英文关键词:MEBO  MEBO Dressing  Contusion and abrasion of soft tissue  Regeneration in situ  Treatment
    吴日强 广东省云浮市人民医院烧伤外科 
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          目的 观察总结湿润烧伤膏(MEBO)结合创疡贴在颜面部皮肤软组织挫擦伤治疗中的效果。 方法 对各种原因造成的82例颜面部皮肤软组织挫擦伤患者创面进行简单清创后,先均匀涂抹MEBO,再覆盖创疡贴,每日换药1次,观察治疗效果。 结果 创面止痛效果明显、愈合快,浅Ⅱ度创面愈合时间约为5 d, 深Ⅱ度创面愈合时间约为2周, 愈合后无色素沉着及显著瘢痕增生。 结论 MEBO结合创疡贴治疗颜面部皮肤软组织挫擦伤创面,止痛效果好,创面愈合快,无色素沉着和增生性瘢痕形成,疗效显著,值得临床推广应用。
          Objective: To observe the therapeutic efficacy of MEBO in combination with MEBO Dressing in the treatment of contusion and abrasion of facial skin soft tissue. Methods: The contusion and abrasion of facial skin soft tissue of 82 patients caused by a variety of reasons were debrided simply before smearing MEBO evenly and then MEBO Dressing was used to cover the wound. Change the dressing once per day and observe the therapeutic efficacy. Results: The wound pain was relieved effectively and the wound healed fast in that superficial II degree wounds healed within about 5 days, deep II degree wounds healed within about 2 weeks. There was no pigmentation or obvious scar hyperplasia after the wound healing. Conclusion: MEBO combined with MEBO Dressing in the treatment of the contusion and abrasion of facial skin soft tissue can realize significant therapeutic efficacy such as good analgesic effect, faster wound healing, no pigmentation or hyperplastic scar formation and etc., deserving to be popularized and applied in clinic.