• 以皮肤原位再生为经典案例的PBL教学法在再生医学教学中的应用体会
  • Experience of Applying PBL Teaching Method with Skin in Situ Regeneration as Classic Case in the Teaching of Regenerative Medicine
  • 彭浩,罗成群,贺全勇.以皮肤原位再生为经典案例的PBL教学法在再生医学教学中的应用体会[J].中国烧伤创疡杂志,2013,25(5):329~331.
    中文关键词:  PBL教学  皮肤  原位再生  再生医学
    英文关键词:PBL teaching method  Skin  In situ regeneration  Regenerative medicine
    彭浩 中南大学湘雅三医院烧伤整形外科 
    摘要点击次数: 4590
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          目的  总结以皮肤原位再生作为经典案例的PBL教学法在再生医学教学中的应用经验。 方法  再生医学教学中利用皮肤原位再生技术作为经典案例并运用讨论学习、 知识比较等PBL教学方法教学, 分析、 总结应用经验。 结果  学生在再生医学专业知识掌握、 创新能力培养、 临床思维分析、 发现及解决问题能力的培养等方面均有明显提高, 该教学方法得到了学生的普遍认可。 结论  再生医学教学中采用皮肤原位再生为经典案例的PBL教学法能够提高教学质量, 值得推广应用。
          Objective: To summarize the experience of applying PBL teaching method with skin in situ regeneration as classic case in the teaching of regenerative medicine. Methods: During the teaching of regenerative medicine, PBL methods of discussion & learning and knowledge comparison were applied with skin in situ regeneration as the classic case. The application experience was analyzed and concluded. Results: Students’ professional knowledge on regenerative medicine and their abilities of innovation, clinical thinking and analysis, identifying and solving problems and etc. were all improved significantly. The teaching method was well accepted by students. Conclusion: The PBL teaching method with skin in situ regeneration as classic case in the teaching of regeneration medicine can improve the teaching quality and is worthy of popularization and application.