• 湿润暴露疗法治疗高原地区烧伤患者的护理体会
  • Experience in Nursing Plateau Region Burned Patients Treated with Moist Exposed Burn Therapy (MEBT)
  • 陈碧桃,胡开秀.湿润暴露疗法治疗高原地区烧伤患者的护理体会[J].中国烧伤创疡杂志,2013,25(5):366~368.
    中文关键词:  湿润暴露疗法  高原  烧伤  护理
    英文关键词:Moist Exposed Burn Therapy (MEBT)  Plateau region  Burn  Nursing
    陈碧桃 四川省甘孜藏族自治州人民医院 
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          目的 探讨总结在海拔2500m以上的高原地区应用湿润暴露疗法治疗烧伤的护理方法与经验? 方法 对2011~2012年收治的370例不同年龄? 性别? 部位? 烧伤原因的Ⅱ度以上烧? 烫伤患者采用湿润暴露疗法及抗休克? 抗感染? 营养支持等治疗, 并进行规范护理, 分析治疗效果, 介绍护理体会? 结果 370例患者经积极治疗与精心护理后全部治愈, 住院时间最长者6个月, 最短者27d, 平均58d? 结论 湿润暴露疗法治疗烧伤, 疗效显著? 做好高原地区烧伤患者抗休克? 抗感染等一系例观察与护理, 是挽救患者生命与后续治疗成功的保证, 且此救护方法易于在高原边远地区基层医院推广应用?
          Objective: To study and summarize the nursing methods and experience in the treatment of burns with Moist Exposed Burn Therapy (MEBT) in plateau regions at an altitude of more than 2500 meters. Methods: A total of 370 patients with burns and scalds at second degree or above admitted between 2011 and 2012 were treated with MEBT combined with treatments of anti-shock, anti-infection and nutrition support therapies and nursed in a standard way. The patients were verified in terms of age, gender, burn locations and causes of injuries. The therapeutic effect was analyzed and the nursing experience was reported. Results: Due to the active treatment and delicate nursing, all 370 patients got healed completely. The longest hospitalization time was 6 months while the shortest was 27 days, at an average of 58 days. Conclusion: MEBT can realize significant therapeutic effect in the treatment of burns and is feasible to be promoted and applied in the remote grass-roots hospitals of plateau regions. In addition, well-done observation and nursing of anti-shock, anti-infection and etc. for burned patients in plateau regions is the guarantee of saving patients’ lives and successful subsequent treatment.