• 回顾性分析2002~2011年湘潭地区小儿烧伤特点
  • A Retrospective Analysis on the Characteristics of Pediatric Burns in Xiangtan Region between 2002 and 2011
  • 李刚,刘斌,姜任武,杨剑锋,黄敏.回顾性分析2002~2011年湘潭地区小儿烧伤特点[J].中国烧伤创疡杂志,2014,(1):20~22.
    中文关键词:  小儿  烧伤  特点  分析
    英文关键词:Pediatric  Burns  Characteristics  Analysis
    李刚 中南大学第六临床学院、 湘潭市中心医院烧伤整形外科 
    刘斌 中南大学第六临床学院、 湘潭市中心医院儿科 
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          目的 了解湘潭地区小儿烧伤特点, 提高本地区小儿烧伤防范意识及治疗策略? 方法 回顾性分析本地区2002~2011年10年间小儿烧伤的年龄分布? 时间分布? 部位分布? 致伤原因及院前处理情况? 结果 2002~2011年10年间小儿烧伤人数占同时期烧伤住院患者总数的40.31%; 其中, 年龄以1~3岁最多(78.85%); 烧伤时间以第三? 四季度最多; 烧伤部位以全身多处烧伤为主; 受伤地点以家中居多(96.6%),且伤后未采取处理措施者占90.9%? 结论 小儿烧伤重在预防, 应加强本地区国人对小儿烧伤的认识程度及防范意识, 加强城乡留守儿童, 尤其是1~3岁小儿的监管?
          Objective: To understand the characteristics of pediatric burns in Xiangtan region so as to improve the precaution awareness and treatment strategy for such burns in this region. Methods: The age, time and location distributions, causes and management before hospitalization of pediatric burns happened over ten years ranging from 2002 to 2011 were analyzed retrospectively. Results: Between 2002 and 2011, the number of hospitalized cases due to pediatric burns accounted for 40.31% of the total hospitalized population, of which the patients aging 1-3 were the most (78.85%). The burns mostly happened in the third and fourth quarter and tended to involve multiple sites over the body. Most of burns happened at home (96.6%) and 90.9% of burns were not managed by any measures after occurrence. Conclusion: For pediatric burns, prevention should be the top priority to strengthen the residents’ prevention cognition and awareness and also their guardianship on leftover children, especially children aged 1-3 years, in urban and rural areas.