• 儿童烧伤休克期液体复苏方法分析
  • Method Analysis of Shock Stage Fluid Resuscitation in Pediatric Burn Patients
  • 张宏,林国安.儿童烧伤休克期液体复苏方法分析[J].中国烧伤创疡杂志,2014,(1):23~25.
    中文关键词:  儿童  烧伤  休克  复苏公式
    英文关键词:Children  Burn  Shock  Resuscitation Formula
    张宏 解放军第107医院 
    林国安 解放军第159医院 
    摘要点击次数: 3196
    全文下载次数: 5060
          目的 探讨儿童大面积烧伤休克期液体复苏的方法? 方法 计算170例烧伤患儿的体表面积中间值, 以烧伤面积均为60%TBSA作为伤情指标, 分别采用传统儿童烧伤休克期液体复苏公式与体表面积烧伤休克期液体复苏公式计算患儿第1个24h的液体输入量, 分析其临床意义? 结果 以患儿体重18? 14kg (170例患儿体重中位数)? 体表面积0.71m2(170例烧伤患儿平均体表面积) 为基数, 传统儿童烧伤休克期液体复苏公式计算出的第1个24h液体输入量为2177.29mL, 比体表面积烧伤休克期液体复苏公式计算量(2582.42mL) 少405.13mL? 结论 体表面积烧伤休克期液体复苏公式第1个24h计算量略多于传统儿童烧伤休克期液体复苏公式计算量, 克服了以体重和烧伤面积作为参数估算补液量所存在的某些偏差, 强调计算总量在24h内均匀输入,简化了计算程序?
          Objective: To explore the method of fluid resuscitation for extensively burned children at shock stage. Methods: Calculate the TBSA median of 170 burned children with a mean TBSA of 60% as the injury index, and then use the conventional fluid resuscitation formula for burned children at shock stage and the Body Surface Area Resuscitation Formula at shock stage of burns to calculate the resuscitation fluid volumes in the first 24 hours and analyze their clinical significance. Results: Taking 18.14 kg (median of the 170 burned children) for body weight and 0.71 m2 (average of the 170 burned children) for body surface area as the base, the resuscitation fluid volume of the first 24 hours calculated with the conventional fluid resuscitation formula for burned children at shock stage was 2177.29ml, 405.13ml less than that (2582.42 ml) calculated with Body Surface Area Resuscitation Formula at shock stage of burns. Conclusion: The first-24-hour resuscitation fluid volume calculated with Body Surface Area Resuscitation Formula is slightly larger than that calculated with the conventional fluid resuscitation formula, and able to avoid some deviation in calculating the resuscitation fluid volume based on such parameters as body weight and TBSA, and underlines the uniform infusion of the total fluid volume within 24 hours, simplifying the calculation procedure.