• 胃肠再生复原技术对胃肠器官生命的影响
  • Effect of Gastrointestinal Regenerative Restoration Technique on the Vitality of Gastrointestinal Tract
  • 方进勇.胃肠再生复原技术对胃肠器官生命的影响[J].中国烧伤创疡杂志,2014,(2):81~91.
    中文关键词:  胃肠再生复原  胃肠胶囊  提前衰老  胃肠器官  生命
    英文关键词:Gastrointestinal regenerative restoration  Gastrointestinal capsules  Premature aging  Gastrointestinal tract  Vitality
    方进勇 北京荣祥再生医学研究所 
    摘要点击次数: 2719
    全文下载次数: 4987
          目的  回顾性总结、 分析胃肠再生复原技术对胃肠器官生命的影响。 方法  给予胃肠道疾病患者和胃肠器官衰老者, 规范服用胃肠胶囊并执行生物钟饮食计划, 观察其胃肠道黏膜形态、 胃肠功能、 胃肠道症状的改变, 分析胃肠胶囊对胃肠器官以及人体生命活力的影响。 结果  胃肠的良性疾病(溃疡、 炎症) 实现了生理性复原, 衰老胃肠恢复了年轻状态, 所有受试者胃肠器官的生命活力均增强。 结论  胃肠再生复原技术不仅能够使胃肠内的成体细胞转化为干细胞, 保障胃肠器官生理结构的完整和功能的正常, 而且还可以实现胃肠器官的“二重生命”, 在加强和保障胃肠器官基本生命的同时, 激活胃肠器官再生生命活力, 是胃肠疾病及胃肠衰老首选的养护方法。
          Objective: To retrospectively analyze and summarize the effect of gastrointestinal regenerative restoration technique on the vitality of gastrointestinal tract. Methods: Patients with gastrointestinal diseases and members suffering gastrointestinal aging who receive the treatment of gastrointestinal regenerative restoration in Beijing Rongxiang Institute of Regenerative Medicine were directed to take gastrointestinal capsules standardly and execute GI diet plan according to biological clock. Changes of mucosal morphology, functions and symptoms of their gastrointestinal tract were observed and the effect of gastrointestinal capsules on gastrointestinal tract and life vitality in all subjects were analyzed. Results: The physiological restoration of benign gastrointestinal diseases like ulcers, inflammation and so on was achieved, the aging gastrointestinal tract restored youthful state, and the vitality of life in all subjects was enhanced. Conclusion: The gastrointestinal regenerative restoration technique can transform adult gastrointestinal cells into stem cells so as to ensure the integrity and normal function of physiological structure of the gastrointestinal tract; besides, it can help the gastrointestinal tract to achieve ‘double lives’ by strengthening and safeguarding basic life of the gastrointestinal tract and also activating its regenerative vitality. Thus, it can serve as a preferred treatment of gastrointestinal disorders and aging.