• 高寒地区应用原位再生医疗技术治疗冻伤临床体会
  • Clinical Experience of Treating Frostbite with MEBT/MEBO in Alpine Region
  • 王树民,樊新海.高寒地区应用原位再生医疗技术治疗冻伤临床体会[J].中国烧伤创疡杂志,2014,(2):105~107.
    中文关键词:  高寒地区  原位再生医疗技术  湿润烧伤膏  冻伤  疗效
    英文关键词:Alpine region  MEBT/MEBO  MEBO  Frostbite  Therapeutic effect
    王树民 青海省公安消防总队医院烧伤整形科 
    摘要点击次数: 2963
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          目的 探讨高寒地区应用原位再生医疗技术(MEBT/ MEBO) 治疗冻伤的临床疗效? 方法 对分别应用原位再生医疗技术和传统疗法治疗的100例冻伤患者的病例资料进行回顾性总结分析, 评价两种方法治疗的创面愈合时间? 创面感染率? 止痛效果? 愈后瘢痕增生情况(6个月后随访)?结果 原位再生医疗技术在止痛? 控制感染? 缩短创面愈合时间? 减少关节僵硬及肌肉萎缩发生率? 减轻愈后瘢痕增生方面均优于传统治疗方法? 结论 原位再生医疗技术治疗高寒地区冻伤患者具有减少疼痛? 治愈率高? 致残率低? 感染发生率低? 操作简便等特点, 适合在高寒地区推广使用?
          Objective: To explore clinical therapeutic effect of MEBT/MEBO in treating frostbite in alpine region. Methods: The retrospective analysis was made for the medical data of 100 patients treated with MEBT/MEBO and traditional technology respectively. Then, the two treatment methods were evaluated in terms of wound healing time, wound inflection rate, analgesic effect and scar formation (after 6 months follow-up). Results: MEBT/MEBO is superior to traditional technology in treating frostbite in terms of analgesic effect, controlling infection, shortening healing time, relieving joint stiffness and muscle atrophy and reducing scar formation. Conclusion: MEBT/MEBO has the following significant therapeutic effect such as relieving pain, improving curative rate, reducing morbidity, decreasing infection rate, easy to operation, etc., deserving to be popularized and applied to treat frostbite in clinic in alpine region.