• 再生医疗技术治疗慢性难愈性溃疡210例临床体会
  • Clinical Experience about Application of Regenerative Medical Technique on 210 Cases of Chronic Refractory Ulcer
  • 丁明华,张 丽,秦国强,尤世杰,闫晓霞.再生医疗技术治疗慢性难愈性溃疡210例临床体会[J].中国烧伤创疡杂志,2014,(6):426~428.
    中文关键词:  再生医疗技术  湿润烧伤膏  皮肤溃疡  临床体会  疗效
    英文关键词:Regenerative Medical Technique  MEBO  Skin Ulcer  Clinical Experience  Therapeutic Effect
    丁明华 中铁十二局集团公司中心医院烧伤创疡科 
    张 丽  
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          目的 观察全程规范应用再生医疗技术治疗各类慢性难愈性溃疡的临床疗效,分析其作用机制。方法 对2009年1月-2013年10月收治的210例(383处创面)不同类型的慢性难愈性溃疡患者全程规范应用再生医疗技术治疗,清创后外涂湿润烧伤膏,早期每日换药2次,中期每日换药1~2次,后期每日换药1次,部分患者后期创面采用自体皮簇种植术封闭创面,观察创面肉芽组织生长及创面愈合情况,感染发生率,肿胀及渗出物消退时间等。 结果 本组有197例患者创面痊愈(93.8%),其中105例患者治疗3~7周创面愈合(53.3%),85例患者治疗8~15周创面愈合(43.1%),7例患者治疗16~23周创面愈合(3.6%);显效13例(6.2%),其中5例患者死于基础疾病,8例患者于好转后出院。 结论 全程规范应用再生医疗技术治疗各类慢性难愈性溃疡创面,操作方便,疗效显著,安全经济,是当今临床创面修复的理想治疗方法。
          Objective To observe the clinical effects of standard application of regenerative?medical?technique on chronic refractory ulcers, and analyze the mechanism. Methods 210 cases (383 wounds) of patients with chronic refractory ulcers were given standard treatment of regenerative?medical?technique. MEBO burn ointment was smeared after debridement, and dressing change was done twice every day at early stage, once to twice every day at middle stage, and once a day at late stage. Autograft of skin cluster was conducted in some patients at late stage to close the wounds. Granulation tissue growth, wound healing process, incidence of infection and subsiding time of swell and exudation were observed. Results In this group, wounds of 197 patients healed (93.8%), among which 105 of them healed within 3 – 7 weeks (53.3%), 85 healed within 8 – 15 weeks (43.1%), 7 healed within 16 – 23 weeks (3.6%) and 13 were improved (6.2%), 5 patients died of underlying diseases and 8 left hospital after conditions turned better. Conclusion Standard application of regenerative?medical?technique to treat chronic refractory ulcers is convenient, remarkably effective, safe and economical, it is the ideal treatment of clinical wound repair.