• 烧伤创疡再生医学与疗法治疗46例Ⅳ期压疮疗效分析
  • Effect Analysis for the Treatment of 46 Cases of Phase IV Pressure Ulcer by Burns Wounds and Ulcers Regenerative Medicine and Therapy
  • 王洪生,徐礼笑子,李碧锦,杨 毅,陈 铮,李 民.烧伤创疡再生医学与疗法治疗46例Ⅳ期压疮疗效分析[J].中国烧伤创疡杂志,2014,(6):429~432.
    中文关键词:  烧伤  创疡  再生医学与疗法  Ⅳ期  压疮  疗效
    英文关键词:Burns  Wounds and Ulcers  Regenerative Medicine and Therapy  Phase IV, Pressure Ulcer, Treatment Efficacy
    王洪生 北京美宝烧伤创疡研究所 
    徐礼笑子 佛山市南海区人民医院烧伤整形科 
    李碧锦 广西自治区第三人民医院烧伤创疡科 
    杨 毅 北海市中医院烧伤创疡科 
    陈 铮 韶关市第一人民医院普外科 
    李 民 佛山市南海区人民医院烧伤整形科 
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          目的 探索Ⅳ期压疮的有效治疗方法。方法 46例IV期压疮患者在全身综合治疗的基础上全程采用烧伤创疡再生医学与疗法治疗创面,在彻底清除创面坏死组织后,用湿润烧伤膏药纱包扎治疗,每日换药1次,直至创面愈合,观察创面愈合效果。结果 46例Ⅳ期压疮创面全部自行愈合,愈合时间最短30余天,最长150余天,平均愈合时间为68.26 ±34.62 d;随访6~12个月,均未出现增生性瘢痕。结论 烧伤创疡再生医学与疗法治疗Ⅳ期压疮疗效显著,在防治感染、缓解疼痛的同时,供给创面再生所需的营养物质,以促进创面愈合、减少瘢痕增生,值得临床推广应用。
          Objective To explore effective treatment methods for pressure ulcer of phase IV. Method All 46 cases of patients with phase IV pressure ulcer were treated in the whole course with burns wounds and ulcers regenerative medicine and therapy on the basis of systemic comprehensive treatment. After thorough clean-up of necrotic tissues at wounds, MEBO gauze was bandaged once a day until the wounds healed and the healing effect was observed. Results All 46 cases healed automatically, with the shortest healing time of 30 days or so and the longest 150 days, averagely 68.26 ±34.62 d; no hypertrophic scar was observed in 6 to 12 months follow-up visit. Conclusion The effect of treating phase IV pressure ulcers with burns wounds and ulcers regenerative medicine and therapy is significant. While alleviating and preventing infections and pains, regeneration required nutrition substances are provided to wounds to promote wound healing and reduce hypertrophic scar. This therapy is worth being promoted clinically.