• 美宝创疡贴治疗小腿骨外露创面的临床疗效观察
  • The Clinical Efficacy Observation of MEBO Wound Dressing in Treating the Crus Bone Exposed Wounds
  • 关钦强,黄 烁.美宝创疡贴治疗小腿骨外露创面的临床疗效观察[J].中国烧伤创疡杂志,2015,(5):346~349.
    中文关键词:  美宝创疡贴  小腿骨外露  创面  临床疗效
    英文关键词:MEBO wound dressing  Shank bone exposure  Wounds  Clinical efficacy
    关钦强 江门市新会区司前人民医院骨科 
    黄 烁  
    摘要点击次数: 2480
    全文下载次数: 4130
          目的 观察美宝创疡贴治疗小腿骨外露创面的临床疗效。方法 将本院2010年5月至2014年12月收治的28例小腿骨外露患者随机分为2组:治疗组14例,应用美宝创疡贴换药治疗;对照组14例,应用传统凡士林纱布换药治疗,观察2组患者创面愈合时间及愈合效果。结果 治疗组治愈10例,创面平均愈合时间为42d;好转4例,创面均经植皮修复。对照组治愈4例,创面平均愈合时间为50d;好转4例,创面均经植皮修复;无效7例,治疗2个月后坏死缺损区域及骨外露创面无明显好转,创面最终经皮瓣转移术修复。结论 应用美宝创疡贴治疗小腿骨外露创面,疗效明显优于传统的凡士林纱布,且操作简便,患者痛苦小,值得基层医院推广应用。
          Objective To observe the clinical efficacy of MEBO wound dressing in treating the crus bone exposed wounds. Methods Randomly divided 28 cases treated from May 2010 to December 2014 into two groups: 14 cases in treatment group were treated with MEBO wound dressing and 14 cases in control group were treated with conventional Vaseline. And observed the healing time and healing effect of both groups. Results In treatment group, the wounds of 10 cases completely healed and the average healing time was 42 days, and the wounds of 4 cases had improvement and were healed by skin grafting. In control group, the wounds of 4 cases completely healed and the average healing time was 50 days, and the wounds of 4 cases had improvement and finally were healed by skin grafting. While the treatment of the other 7 cases were ineffective, after 2 months’ treatment, the necrotic defect area and crus bone exposed wounds had no improvement and the wounds were finally repaired by the transfer of skin flap. Conclusion The application of MEBO wound dressing in treating of crus bone exposed wounds has better efficacy than the conventional Vaseline treatment, and it is easy to operate and has little pain, worth to be popularized in primary hospitals.