• 润燥止痒胶囊联合湿润烧伤膏治疗血虚风燥型 湿疹的临床疗效观察
  • Clinical Efficacy Observation of Runzaozhiyang Capsule Combined with MEBO in Treating the Eczema of Blood Deficiency and Wind-dryness
  • 刘拥军,王丽凌,吴 楷.润燥止痒胶囊联合湿润烧伤膏治疗血虚风燥型 湿疹的临床疗效观察[J].中国烧伤创疡杂志,2015,(5):377~379.
    中文关键词:  湿润烧伤膏  润燥止痒胶囊  血虚风燥型湿疹  疗效
    英文关键词:MEBO  Runzaozhiyang capsule  Eczema of blood deficiency and wind-dryness  Curative effect
    刘拥军 黑龙江中医药大学附属第二医院皮肤科 
    王丽凌 黑龙江中 医药大学 
    吴 楷 黑龙江中 医药大学 
    摘要点击次数: 2755
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          目的 对比观察润燥止痒胶囊联合湿润烧伤膏治疗血虚风燥型湿疹的临床疗效? 方法 将60例血虚风燥型湿疹患者随机分为治疗组和对照组, 每组30 例?治疗组患者口服润燥止痒胶囊, 4 粒/ 次, 3 次/d,同时将湿润烧伤膏均匀涂抹于皮损处, 厚度薄于1 mm, 每4~6 h 换药1 次;对照组患者单纯口服润燥止痒胶囊,4 粒/ 次, 3 次/d;连续治疗4周后观察疗效? 结果 治疗组有效率为93.33%,对照组有效率为80.00%,两组疗效经χ2 检验, P <0.05, 差异具有统计学意义? 结论 润燥止痒胶囊联合湿润烧伤膏治疗血虚风燥型湿疹可缓解患者痛苦, 促进创面愈合, 疗效显著?
          Objective To observe the clinical effect of Runzaozhiyang capsule combined with MEBO(Moist Exposed Burn Ointment) in treating eczema of blood deficiency and wind-dryness. Methods Randomly divided the 60 cases with eczema of blood deficiency and wind-dryness into treatment group and control group, and each group had 30 cases. In the treatment group, the patient orally took 4 Runzaozhiyang capsules per time and 3 times a day and meanwhile applied MEBO on the damaged skin externally and kept the thickness of MEBO at about 1mm, changed the ointment every 4~6 hours. And in the control group, the patient simply orally took 4 Runzaozhiyang capsules per time and 3 times a day. Observe the treatment efficacy for 4 weeks treatment. Results The effective rate in treatment group was 93.33%, as it was 80% in control group. According to the curative efficacy examination by X2test,P<0.05, the difference has statistical significance. Conclusion Runzaozhiyang capsule combined with MEBO in treating eczema of blood deficiency and wind-dryness can relieve the pain of the patient and promote the wound healing, and the curative effect is significant.