• 皮肤原位再生医疗技术在烧伤创面俢复及瘢痕防治中的临床转化应用
  • Clinical Translational Application of Skin In Situ Regenerative Medical Technology in Burn Wound Repair and Scar Prevention and Treatment
  • 赵贤忠,孙记燕,葛永亮,殷东京,张东波,李 丽,季建峰,项 铁.皮肤原位再生医疗技术在烧伤创面俢复及瘢痕防治中的临床转化应用[J].中国烧伤创疡杂志,2016,(2):81~96.
    中文关键词:  人体再生复原科学  临床转化应用  皮肤原位再生医疗技术  西医传统疗法  创面俢复  防治
    英文关键词:Human Body Regenerative Restoration Science  Clinical translational application  Skin in situ regenerative medical technology  Conventional therapies in western medicine  Wound repair  Prevent and treatment
    赵贤忠 南通大学附属南通第三医院 南京中医药大学南通中西医结合临床学院 
    李 丽  
    项 铁  
    摘要点击次数: 2739
    全文下载次数: 4964
          目的 通过综述皮肤原位再生医疗技术在临床转化应用中的效果, 发扬徐荣祥教授创立的人体再生复原科学, 使其更好地造福于人民? 方法 回顾性总结分析近30年来南通大学附属南通第三医院收治的19013例烧伤患者的病历资料, 对比西医传统疗法与皮肤原位再生医疗技术在创面处理及防治瘢痕中的临床效果? 结果 规范应用皮肤原位再生医疗技术可明显减轻创面疼痛?感染等不良因素对机体的反复刺激, 从而大大降低感染的发生率, 减少全身炎症反应综合征的发生发展及体液渗出, 减轻组织水肿, 使患者平稳度过烧伤休克期; 明显提高烧伤创面愈合的速度和质量, 减少瘢痕发生率及致伤、致残率, 降低医疗费用(治疗费用不足西医传统切削痂植皮疗法的70%)?以上方面与西医传统疗法相比, 差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05),通过温哥华瘢痕评估量表评估, 应用瘢痕内切除?瘢痕薄化?点阵激光联合皮肤原位再生医疗技术治疗增生性瘢痕的疗效明显优于西医传统疗法, 差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)? 结论 规范应用皮肤原位再生医疗技术在创面修复和瘢痕防治中的疗效优于西医传统疗法, 其可使大面积重度烧伤患者顺利度过休克期, 减轻创面疼痛和损伤程度, 为创面提供生理性湿润环境, 促进创面愈合, 减少并发症及瘢痕发生率和致残率, 提高治疗效果, 降低医疗费用; 在防治方面, 皮肤原位再生医疗技术也具有明显优势, 为促进各种创面的再生修复及瘢痕防治质量的提高提供了新的思路, 是目前创面再生修复和瘢痕防治的理想疗法?随着人体再生复原科学成果转化应用研究的不断深入, 必将明显提高创面再生修复及瘢痕防治的疗效, 造福更多患者?
          Objective This article is to review the effects of skin in situ regenerative medical technology in clinical translational application, for sake of carrying forward Human Body Regenerative Restoration Science invented and established by Dr. Xu Rong?xiang to better benefit the people. Methods Retrospectively review and analyze the case records of 19013 burned patients admitted into Nantong Third Hospital Affiliated to Nantong University in past 30 years, and comparethe clinical effects of conventional therapies in Western medicine and the skin in situ regenerative medical technology when managing the burn wounds and preventing and treating scars. Results Normative application of skin in situ regenerative medical technology can significantly reduce the repeated stimulation of harmful factors to human body such as wound pain and infection, and thus greatly decrease the incidence of infection, the development and progression of systemic inflammatory response syndrome, the exudation of body fluid and tissue edema, ensuring patients can live through the shock stage of burns smoothly; moreover, it can obviously improve the healing speed and quality of burn wounds, reduce the scarring incidence, injury rate and disability rate, and reduce hospitalization costs (treatment cost is less than 70% of the conventional crust?resection and skin grafting in western medicine). Compared with the Western conventional therapies, the effect of the above?mentioned treatment had statistically significant difference (P<0.05). Based on the evaluation of Vancouver Scar Scale (VSS), the therapeutic effects of skin in situ regenerative medical technology combined with scar intralesional excision, scar thinning and fractional laser were superior to that of western conventional therapies, with statistically significant difference (P<0.05). Conclusion The therapeutic effects of the standard application of skin in situ regenerative medical technology were better than that of western conventional therapies in terms of wound repair and scar prevention and treatment because it can help patients with extensive severe burns live through the shock stage smoothly, alleviate wound pain and injury degree, provide a physiologically moist environment for burn wounds, promote wound healing, reduce the incidence of complications, scarring and disability, improve therapeutic effect and decrease hospitalization costs; moreover, in the aspects of prevention and treatment, it also has remarkable advantages and provides a new thought for improving the quality of the regenerative repair and scar prevention and treatment of various wounds, and should be regarded as the present ideal therapy for the wound regenerative repair and scar prevention and treatment. With the further in?depth study on the translational application of the achievements of Human Body Regenerative Restoration Science, the skin in situ regenerative medical technology will surely significantly improve the therapeutic effects of wound regenerative repair, benefiting more patients.