• 湿润烧伤膏在烧伤患者治疗中的应用研究
  • Application of MEBO Ointment in the Treatment of Burns
  • 崔培善,崔培昂,崔培新.湿润烧伤膏在烧伤患者治疗中的应用研究[J].中国烧伤创疡杂志,2016,(2):97~100.
    中文关键词:  烧伤  湿润烧伤膏  原位再生医疗技术  对比研究  疗效
    英文关键词:Burns  MEBO Ointment  In situ regenerative medical technology  Comparative study  Therapeutic effects
    崔培善 兰考县人民医院普外科 
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          目的 探究分析湿润烧伤膏在烧伤患者治疗中的临床疗效? 方法 选取兰考县人民医院普外科2014年8月-2015年8月收治的130例烧伤患者作为研究对象, 按照投掷法将其随机分为试验组和对照组, 每组65例?两组患者均给予抗休克?抗感染等全身综合治疗; 同时, 试验组患者予以湿润烧伤膏暴露治疗, 每4~6 h 换药1次, 对照组患者予以碘伏纱布包扎治疗, 每日换药1次, 对比观察两组患者换药时的疼痛程度及治疗1个月后的创面愈合效果? 结果 试验组患者换药时的疼痛程度为Ⅰ级者31例(47.69%), Ⅱ级者28 例(43.08%), Ⅲ级者6例(9.23%); 对照组患者换药时的疼痛程度为Ⅰ级者12例(18.46%), Ⅱ级者30例(46.15%), Ⅲ级者23例(35.38%), 试验组患者换药时的疼痛程度明显轻于对照组, 差异具有统计学意义(P<0.01)?治疗1 个月后, 试验组患者痊愈33例, 好转29例, 无效3例, 总有效率为95.38%; 对照组患者痊愈20例, 好转24例, 无效21例, 总有效率为67.69%, 组间对比, 差异具有统计学意义(P<0.01)? 结论 湿润烧伤膏治疗烧伤创面的效果明显优于传统的碘伏纱布包扎治疗, 该疗法可以减轻创面疼痛, 促进创面愈合, 值得临床推广应用?
          Objective To explore the clinical effects of MEBO Ointment in the treatment of burns. Methods Selected 130 burned patients admitted into Lankao People’s Hospital between August 2014 and August 2015 and divided them into an experiment group and a control group by the throwing method, 65 patients in each group. Systemic comprehensive treatments were given to patients in both groups including anti?shock, anti?infection and etc, meanwhile, the experiment group was treated with the exposure method of MEBO Ointment, dressing change every 4-6 hrs; while the control group was treated with the bandage method of iodophor gauze, once per day. Observe and compare the pain degree during the dressing change and the wound healing effects one month after the treatment in the two groups. Results In the experiment group, 31 cases (47.69%) were at grade Ⅰ of pain degree during the dressing change, 28 cases (43.08%) were at grade Ⅱ and 6 cases (9.23%) were at grade Ⅲ; while in the control group, 12 cases (18.46%) were at grade I of pain degree during the dressing change, 30 cases (46.15%) were at grade II and 23 cases (35.38%) were at grade Ⅲ. The pain degree during the dressing change in the experiment group was obviously milder than that in the control group, showing statistically significant difference (P<0.01). One month after the treatments, 33 cases healed, 29 cases turned better and 3 cases showed ineffectiveness in the experiment group, with the total effective rate of 95.38%; while in the control group,20 cases healed, 24 cases turned better and 21 cases showed ineffectiveness, with the total effective rate of 67.69%; andthe group comparison showed there was statistically significant difference (P<0.01). Conclusion The effects of MEBO Ointment in the treatment of burns were obviously superior to that of the conventional bandage method of the iodophor gauze.MEBO treatment can relieve wound pain and promote wound healing, deserving to be promoted in clinic.