• 胃肠器官再生复原与还童临床研究
  • Clinical Study on the Regenerative Restoration and Rejuvenation of Gastrointestinal Organs
  • 方进勇,刘烁钥,王海燕,彭玉梅,李 桦,戴文娟,王云霞.胃肠器官再生复原与还童临床研究[J].中国烧伤创疡杂志,2016,(4):231~249.
    中文关键词:  胃肠衰老  胃肠器官再生复原与还童  胃肠胶囊  临床研究
    英文关键词:Gastrointestinal aging  Regenerative restoration and rejuvenation for gastrointestinal organs  GI Capsule  Clinical study
    方进勇 北京荣祥再生医学研究所 
    李 桦  
    摘要点击次数: 2531
    全文下载次数: 4657
          【摘要】 目的 探寻一种能够评估胃肠器官衰老情况, 反映胃肠器官形态学变化的方法, 并通过这种方法评价胃肠器官再生复原与还童技术的疗效?方法 将104 例北京荣祥再生医学研究所会员按自然年龄20~29 岁?30~39 岁?40~49 岁?50~59 岁?60~69 岁?70~79 岁分为1~6 组, 入会时分别进行SB 胶囊内镜检测, 并截取典型图片, 用IPP 软件测量近端空肠的绒毛长度?密度及黏膜皱襞厚度, 计算黏膜指数, 综合判断胃肠器官衰老情况; 入会后执行胃肠器官再生复原与还童计划, 规范服用美宝胃肠胶囊和美宝膳素, 并定期复查SB 胶囊内镜, 比较胃肠器官再生复原与还童前后胃肠衰老情况?结果 不同年龄段受试者入会时近端空肠绒毛密度?长度?宽度及黏膜皱襞厚度和黏膜指数对比, 差异均具有统计学意义; 实施胃肠器官再生复原与还童技术后, 各年龄组受试者近端空肠绒毛密度?长度?宽度及黏膜皱襞厚度和黏膜指数与入会时对比, 差异也具有统计学意义,即实施胃肠器官再生复原与还童技术后, 胃肠呈现出年轻化状态?结论 胃肠器官随着年龄的增长, 呈现出逐渐衰老的状态, 但这种衰老可以通过胃肠器官再生复原与还童技术延缓, 甚至复原或还童, 使胃肠器官在形态学上回归并维持年轻化状态?
          【Abstract】Objective: To explore a method of evaluating the senescence condition and reflecting the morphological changes of gastrointestinal organs, and to assess the efficacy of the regenerative restoration and rejuvenation technology for gastrointestinal organs by this method. Methods: A total of 104 members enrolled in Beijing Rongxiang Regenerative Medicine Institute were divided into 6 age groups according to their natural age: group 1 (20-29), group 2 (30-39), group 3 (40-49), group 4 (50-59), group 5 (60-69), and group 6 (70-79). All the members received SB Capsule Endoscopy on enrollment and typical screenshots of endoscopic images were cropped. IPP software was used to measure the length and density of villi and the thickness of mucosal folds in the proximal jejunum, and assess comprehensively the senescence condition of the gastrointestinal organs by calculating the mucosal index. After the enrollment, all members implemented such a protocol for gastrointestinal organ regenerative restoration and rejuvenation as taking MEBO Gastrointestinal Capsule (MEBO GIC) and MEBO Elixir normatively and performing SB Capsule Endoscopy regularly to compare the senescence condition of gastrointestinal organs before and after the regenerative restoration and rejuvenation. Analysis reports of 104 cases receiving SB Capsule Endoscopy were attached with this paper. Results: There was statistically significant difference between different age groups on enrollment in terms of the length and density of villi, thickness of mucosal folds and mucosal index of the proximal jejunum (all P<0.05 ). After the implementation of the regenerative restoration and rejuvenation technology for gastrointestinal organs, there was also statistically significant difference in each age group when the length and density of villi, mucosal folds and mucosal index of the proximal jejunum were compared with that before the enrollment, that is to say, the gastrointestine presented a young state after the implementation of the regenerative restoration and rejuvenation technology for gastrointestinalorgans. Conclusion: Gastrointestinal organs will degenerate and become senescent gradually as we age, but this kind of aging can be delayed, even restored or rejuvenated by the regenerative restoration and rejuvenation technology for gastrointestinal organs, making them recover and maintain their morphologically young state.