• 模拟瓦斯爆炸致大鼠肺部损伤的研究
  • Simulation Study of Lung Injury in Rats Caused by Gas Explosion
  • 王 静,秦 霞,孟伟正.模拟瓦斯爆炸致大鼠肺部损伤的研究[J].中国烧伤创疡杂志,2017,(1):19~23.
    中文关键词:  瓦斯爆炸  冲击波  肺损伤  大鼠  动物模型
    英文关键词:Gas explosion  Shock wave  Lung injury  Rats  Animal model
    基金项目:中平能化集团重点科技开发基金 (项目编号:410402201 l 1207)
    王 静 平煤神马医疗集团总医院护理部 
    秦 霞  
    孟伟正 平煤神马医疗集团总医院创伤骨科 
    摘要点击次数: 2343
    全文下载次数: 4596
          目的 观察不同参数下瓦斯爆炸致大鼠肺部损伤的特点, 以期为瓦斯爆炸肺损伤的临床诊治提供 理论依据? 方法 将275只SD级大鼠按随机数表法分为A? B两组, 分别置于中国煤炭科学院重庆分院φ2000 瓦斯爆炸系统内, 然后向瓦斯室内注入不同体积的专用瓦斯气体, 引发瓦斯爆炸? 观察两组大鼠的肺部损伤情 况? 结果 光镜下观察, 两组大鼠的气管黏膜上皮均有不同程度的脱落, 管壁明显充血? 水肿; 部分大鼠肺泡腔 内可见红细胞及淡红色水肿液, 甚至灶状或片状出血? 电镜下观察, A组大鼠: 肺泡Ⅰ型及Ⅱ型上皮细胞变性? 脱落; B组大鼠: 肺泡Ⅰ型及Ⅱ型上皮细胞变性? 脱落, 部分肺泡Ⅱ型上皮细胞出现胞核固缩, 胞质局灶性溶 解, 板层小体数量减少及密度降低? 结论 瓦斯爆炸可导致明显的肺出血? 肺水肿等肺部损伤; 肺部损伤后不当 的治疗措施可加重其损伤程度, 医务人员应予以重视?
          【Abstract】 Objective: To observe the characteristics of lung injury in rats caused by gas explosion under different parameters, so as to provide the theoretical basis for the diagnosis and treatment of lung injury caused by gas explosion. Methods: 275 SD rats were randomly divided into two groups-group A and group B-according to the random number table. Both groups were placed in the φ2000 gas explosion simulation room in Chongqing Branch Institute of China Coal Research Institute. Gases of different volumes were then injected into the room and a gas explosion was set off. The lung injuries of rats in the two groups were then observed. Results: Observation under light microscope showed exfoliation of bronchial mucosal epithelium at various degrees in both groups with evident congestion and edema of bronchial walls; erythrocytes and reddish edematous fluid can be seen in the alveolar cavities of some rats, even focal haemorrhages or patchy haemorrhages can be observed. Examinations under electron microscope showed degeneration and exfoliation of alveolar type I and type II epithelial cells in group A; degeneration and exfoliation of alveolar type I and type II epithelial cells, karyopyknosis and focal cytoplasmic lysis in partial alveolar type II epithelial cells, reduction in the number and density of lamellar bodies in group B. Conclusion: Gas explosion may cause significant lung injuries such as pulmonary haemorrhage and pulmonary edema. Inappropriate post-injury treatment approaches could aggravate the injuries which should be avoided by healthcare professionals.