• 重度烧伤合并急性肾衰引发肺部真菌感染1例报告
  • A Case Report of Pulmonary Fungal Infection Caused by Severe Burns Complicated with Acute Renal Failure
  • 尚新志,尚若愚,胡东升,姚永明,林国安.重度烧伤合并急性肾衰引发肺部真菌感染1例报告[J].中国烧伤创疡杂志,2017,(1):24~26.
    中文关键词:  中西医结合  重度烧伤  急性肾衰  肺部真菌感染  病例报告
    英文关键词:Integrative medicine  Severe burns  Acute renal failure  Pulmonary fungal infection  Case report
    尚新志 中国人民解放军第159中心医院全军烧伤中心 
    尚若愚 海南医学院 
    胡东升 中国人民解放军第159中心医院全军烧伤中心 
    姚永明 潍坊医学院 
    林国安 中国人民解放军第159中心医院全军烧伤中心 
    摘要点击次数: 2596
    全文下载次数: 4593
          1例重度烧伤合并急性肾衰患者在采用抗休克? 抗感染? 营养支持? 连续血液净化? 口服中药及 创面处理等治疗14d后, 胸部CT检查显示有胸腔积液, 未予特殊处理; 治疗16d, 患者出现呼吸困难, 予以面 罩吸氧等治疗后症状缓解; 治疗24d, 患者再次出现呼吸困难, 给予加大吸氧流量后症状未见缓解, 遂予以氟康 唑注射液100mL, 每日2次静脉滴注; 治疗26d, 患者呼吸困难等症状未见好转, 专家会诊, 确诊为肺部真菌感 染, 建议给予大扶康治疗? 大扶康治疗2d, 患者呼吸困难等症状明显缓解, 肺部感染得到控制?
          【Abstract】After 14 days of treatments including anti-shock, anti-infection, nutrition support, continuous blood purification and oral administration of Chinese herbs as well as wound management, chest CT showed pleural effusion in the severely-burned patient complicated with acute renal failure and no specific treatment was given; on day 16, the patient suffered dyspnea, for which oxygen was provided; on day 24, 100ml Fluconazole Injection was given intravenously twice daily because the symptoms such as dyspnea didn’t improve; on day 26, an expert consultation made the diagnosis of pulmonary fungal infection and Diflucan treatment was suggested. On day 2 of the Diflucan treatment, the dyspnea obviously improved and the pulmonary infection was controlled.