• 压疮患者留置尿管堵塞的个案分析
  • Case Study on Indwelling Catheter Blockage in Patients with Pressure Ulcer
  • 崔巧娜,叶 菁,徐桂银.压疮患者留置尿管堵塞的个案分析[J].中国烧伤创疡杂志,2017,(1):56~57.
    中文关键词:  留置导尿  尿管堵塞  个案分析  防治
    英文关键词:Indwelling catheterization  Catheter blockage  Case analysis  Prevention and treatment
    崔巧娜 北京市宣武中医医院外科 
    叶 菁  
    摘要点击次数: 2457
    全文下载次数: 4761
          对2015年9月北京市宣武中医医院外科收治的2例压疮患者采用抗感染? 活血化瘀? 调控血压? 创面外涂湿润烧伤膏? 留置导尿等措施治疗? 治疗过程中, 患者出现留置尿管堵塞现象, 经反复检查发现尿管堵 塞原因, 并给予针对性处理后,2例患者压疮创面分别于治疗63?69d后痊愈?
          【Abstract】Two patients with pressure ulcer admitted to Beijing Xuanwu TCM Hospital in September 2015 were treated with measures such as anti-infection, promotion of blood circulation to improve blood stasis, regulation of blood pressure, topical application of MEBO and use of indwelling catheter, etc. During the treatment course, the blocking of indwelling catheter occurred in the two patients, for which repeated examinations were conducted to find out the reason for the blockage and subsequent specific management was given. The two patients were both discharged from the hospital with complete wound healing after 63 days and 69 days of treatment respectively.