• MEBO-DFU再生疗法治疗糖尿病足的整体护理
  • Holistic Nursing Care during the Treatment Course of Diabetic Foot with the MEBO-DFU Regenerative Therapy
  • 张 丽,丁明华.MEBO-DFU再生疗法治疗糖尿病足的整体护理[J].中国烧伤创疡杂志,2017,(3):153~160.
    中文关键词:  MEBO-DFU 再生疗法  湿润烧伤膏  糖尿病足  整体护理  规范
    英文关键词:The MEBO-DFU regenerative therapy  Moist Exposed Burn Ointment  Diabetic foot  Holistic nursing  Standardization
    张 丽 中铁十二局集团公司中心医院创面修复科 
    摘要点击次数: 2528
    全文下载次数: 4508
          随着我国人口老龄化程度的不断加剧, 糖尿病及糖尿病足的发病率也呈快速上升趋势, 现已成为严重威胁我国居民健康的四大慢性病之一?虽然众多研究证实, MEBO-DFU 再生疗法可显著提高糖尿病足创面的愈合率, 降低截肢率, 是目前治疗糖尿病足的有效疗法之一[1-3] , 但在应用该疗法的过程中, 缺乏专业的整体护理措施, 严重影响了MEBO-DFU再生疗法的临床疗效及推广普及?为此, 本文中笔者根据10 余年的MEBO-DFU再生疗法治疗糖尿病足的整体护理措施, 旨在为MEBO-DFU 再生疗法的规范化临床应用提供帮助?
          With the continuously increasing proportion of aging population in China, the incidence of diabetes and associated diabetic foot is rapidly rising as well, which has become one of the four major chronic diseases seriously threatening the health of Chinese residents. Although it has been confirmed by lots of studies that the MEBO-DFU regenerative therapy is currently one of the effective treatment for diabetic foot since it could significantly improve the wound healing rate in patients with diabetic foot and reduce their amputation rate[1-3], there is still a lack of standardized holistic nursing interventions during the application of the MEBO-DFU regenerative therapy, which significantly impairs the clinical efficacy of the MEBO-DFU regenerative therapy and its clinical use. To this end, based on more than ten years of nursing experience in the treatment of diabetic foot with the MEBO-DFU regenerative therapy, the authors summarized the holistic nursing interventions during the treatment of diabetic foot by the MEBO-DFU regenerative therapy in this paper, aiming to facilitate the standard clinical application of the therapy.