• K19在创面修复过程中的表达及意义
  • Expression of K19 in the Process of Wound Repair and Its Significance
  • 赵 曦,唐乾利.K19在创面修复过程中的表达及意义[J].中国烧伤创疡杂志,2017,(3):173~175.
    中文关键词:  K19  创面修复  表皮干细胞  综述
    英文关键词:K19  Wound repair  Epidermal stem cell  Review
    赵 曦 右江民族医学院/桂西高发病防治重点实验室 
    摘要点击次数: 2393
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          相关研究资料显示, 在创面修复过程中, 肉芽组织等多种皮肤组织内含有角蛋白19 (K19) 阳性表达的表皮干细胞, 且随着创面的修复, 此类干细胞的数量具有从无到有?从少到多, 再从多到少?从少到无的变化规律, 而表皮干细胞是创面修复及重塑的基础?由此可见, K19 可能具有调节表皮干细胞增殖?分化及迁移, 从而促进创面再生修复的功能; 进一步深入研究K19 在创面修复过程中的表达意义及作用机制, 可为创面修复提供新思路?新方法?笔者通过查阅近年的相关文献资料, 将K19 在创面修复过程中的表达及意义予以综述,旨在为K19 的研究提供理论依据?
          Relevant research data have showed that there are epidermal stem cells expressing Keratin-19 (K19) in various skin tissues including granulation tissues during the wound repair; during the progress of the wound repair, the quantity of such stem cells follows a pattern of developing from nothing, from less to more, from more to less and eventually disappearing. Moreover, epidermal stem cells are the basis of wound repair and remodeling. Therefore, it can be seen that K19 may have a role in regulating the proliferation, differentiation and migration of epidermal stem cells to promote the regenerative wound repair; in-depth study on the significance of expression and the mechanism of action of K19 in the process of wound repair can provide new insights and approaches for wound repair. By reviewing the relevant literature in recent years, the authors summarized the expression and significance of K19 in the process of wound repair, with the purpose of providing theoretical basis for the study of K19.