• PillCam SB胶囊内镜检测在人体小肠衰老评估中的应用
  • The Application of PillCam small bowel (SB) capsule endoscopy in the Evaluation of Aging of Small Intestine
  • 方进勇,张现娜,马文静,孙 鱼,胡子骄.PillCam SB胶囊内镜检测在人体小肠衰老评估中的应用[J].中国烧伤创疡杂志,2017,(6):381~391.
    中文关键词:  PillCam SB胶囊内镜  IPP专业图像分析软件  小肠衰老  绒毛  指标
    英文关键词:PillCam small bowel (SB) capsule endoscopy  IPP software  The aging of small intestine  Villi  Indicator
    方进勇 北京荣祥再生医学研究所 
    张现娜 《中国烧伤创疡杂志》编辑部 
    马文静 北京荣祥再生医学研究所 
    孙 鱼 北京荣祥再生医学研究所 
    胡子骄 合肥市第一中学 
    摘要点击次数: 2354
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          目的 通过PillCam SB胶囊内镜取像及IPP专业图像分析软件检测, 研究分析小肠的衰老进程,探寻小肠衰老的评估指标。方法 将在北京荣祥再生医学研究所进行PillCam SB胶囊内镜检测的115例健康人群作为研究对象, 截取其近端空肠典型图像后, 用IPP专业图像分析软件测量绒毛长度、绒毛宽度、绒毛密度及黏膜皱褶厚度, 计算绒毛长宽比及黏膜指数, 并对比分析各项指标与年龄的关系。结果 随着年龄的增长, 小肠绒毛长度逐渐变短, 绒毛宽度逐渐变宽, 绒毛密度逐渐变小, 黏膜皱襞厚度逐渐变薄, 绒毛长宽比值逐渐变小, 黏膜指数逐渐变小, 其中30~39岁年龄段绒毛长度变化最为明显;30~39岁及70~79岁年龄段绒毛密度变化最为明显; 70~79岁年龄段黏膜皱襞厚度变化最为明显; 各年龄段黏膜指数变化均较明显。结论 随着人体年龄的增长, 小肠黏膜的形态结构会随之出现不同程度的退行性改变, 进而影响小肠的消化吸收功能。通过对人体小肠衰老状态的评估, 可早期了解小肠的衰老程度, 以便给予有效的防治措施, 为胃肠功能障碍性疾病的预防和治疗提供理论依据。
          Objective: To study the process and find evalutaing indicators of intestinal aging b through PillCam small bowel (SB) capsule endoscopy and image analysis of IPP professional software. Methods: 115 healthy member subjects who have undergone PillCam small bowel (SB) capsule endoscopy in Beijing Rongxiang Regenerative Medicine Research Laboratory were studied. Screenshots of their proximal jejunum were chose and the length, width and density of intestinal villus and the thickness of the mucosal folds were measured with IPP software. The data obtained from IPP software of different age groups were compared and analyzed. Result: As the members grew older, morphological structure of their intestinal mucosa underwent a series of degenerative changes, the length, length-width ratio, density of their intestinal villi and thickness of the mucosa folds and mucosal index gradually decreased while the width of the intestinal villi gradually increased. The length of the villi in the age group of 30-39 decreased more quickly; the density of villi decreased more obviously in age groups of 30 - 39 and 70 - 79; the decreasing of thickness of the small intestinal mucosal folds was significantly accelerated in the age group of 70-79; mucosal index changes were significant in all age groups. Conclusion: As people age, the morphological structure of intestinal mucosa undergo degenerative changes which impact the absorptive and digestive function of the intestines. By evaluating and knowing the aging status of the intestines at early stage, effective measures of prevention and treatment can be applied and theoretical basis can be provided for the prevention and treatment of gastrointestinal functional disorders.