• 负压封闭引流联合灌洗在深度压疮修复中的应用
  • Application of Vacuum Sealing Drainage Combined with Douche in the Repair of Deep Pressure Sore
  • 许晓勇,杨 梅,李玉琴,李少峰.负压封闭引流联合灌洗在深度压疮修复中的应用[J].中国烧伤创疡杂志,2017,(6):415~418.
    中文关键词:  负压封闭引流  灌洗  压疮  修复  疗效
    英文关键词:Medical douche  Vacuum sealing drainage  Pressure ulcer, Repair, Clinical efficacy
    许晓勇 福建医科大学附属闽东医院烧伤整形外科 
    杨 梅  
    摘要点击次数: 2416
    全文下载次数: 4461
          目的 探讨负压封闭引流联合灌洗在深度压疮修复中的疗效及临床优势?方法 对2012 年7 月—2016 年2 月福建医科大学附属闽东医院烧伤整形外科收治的10 例Ⅳ期压疮患者在彻底清创后, 将灌洗管环绕式置于创腔的次顶端及次底端, 引流管螺旋式置于创腔内, 并填塞负压敷料, 给予持续负压封闭引流, 3~5 d 更换1 次负压敷料, 观察治疗效果?结果 所有患者中除1 例患者因家庭原因中断治疗外, 其余9 例患者创面均完全愈合, 愈合时间为25 ~45 d; 随访3 个月~1 年, 所有患者均未复发?结论 负压封闭引流联合灌洗治疗深度压疮, 可有效消除创腔, 加速创面愈合, 疗效显著, 值得临床推广应用?
          Objective To discuss the efficacy and clinical advantage of VSD combined with douche in the repair of deep pressure sore . Methods 10 patients with stage Ⅳ pressure sore, admitted to Department of Burn and Plastic Surgery, Mindong Hospital affiliated to Fujian Medical University from July 2012 to February 2016, were treated with thorough debridement followed by continued VSD for which the douche tubes were put circularly at the secondary bottom and the secondary top of the wound cavity, while the drainage tube was put spirally in the wound cavity which was filled with negative pressure dressing that was changed once every 3-5 days. Result Except one patient, who discontinued his treatment for family reasons, all patients were healed within 25~45 d. No relapse occurred during 3 months to 1 year follow-up. Conclusion Vacuum sealing drainage combined with douche can eliminate dead cavity and promote wound healing. It should be promoted in clinical practice due to its excellent clinical efficacy.