• 前接式专科护理保障对烧伤患儿长途转运的护理效果
  • The Effect of Active Specific Nursing on Pediatric Burn Patients in Long-Distance Transport
  • 杨红兰,王 霞,陈永新,王 娅,白 梦,潘文东.前接式专科护理保障对烧伤患儿长途转运的护理效果[J].中国烧伤创疡杂志,2018,(1):39~41.
    中文关键词:  前接式专科护理保障  转运  小儿烧伤  专科护理
    英文关键词:Active specific nursing  Transport  Pediatric burn  Specific nursing
    杨红兰 中国人民解放军第五十九中心医院烧伤整形外科 
    王 霞  
    王 娅  
    白 梦  
    摘要点击次数: 2481
    全文下载次数: 4690
          【摘要】 目的 探讨前接式专科护理保障对烧伤患儿长途转运的临床护理效果。方法 对中国人民解放军第五十九中心医院烧伤整形外科收治的40例烧伤患儿采取前接式专科护理保障措施(即由烧伤专科医护人员随同急救车前接烧伤患儿, 并在转运过程中实施生命体征监测、开通补液通道、创面应急处理等措施) 予以长途转运护理, 观察护理效果。结果 所有患儿均顺利完成了急诊长途转运, 其中转运距离为40~300 km, 转运时间为1~4 h, 道路为2~3级盘山公路; 转运途中5例患儿出现低热, 1例患儿出现高热, 均无创面加深及休克、败血症等并发症发生。结论 对外出接诊的烧伤患儿采用前接式专科护理保障措施, 可有效避免创面加深及休克、败血症等并发症的发生, 提高患儿抢救成功率, 值得临床推广应用。
          【Abstract】 Objective To explore the effect of active specific nursing on pediatric burn patients in long-distance transport. Methods 40 pediatric burn patients, admitted to Department of Burn and Plastic Surgery, The 59th Central Hospital of the People's Liberation Army, were given active specific nursing (dispatching ambulance with medical staff of the burn department on board to take up carrying out vital signs monitoring, fluid infusion preparation and wound emergency treatment during transport). Results Long-distance transport of all child patients was completed successfully. Transport of 40-300 km on winding road (grade 2-3) was finished in 1-4 hours. During transport, 5 child patients got low-grade fever and 1 got high fever. No complication such as wound deepening, shock and septicemia was observed. Conclusion Active specific nursing can prevent the occurrence of complications, like wound deepening, shock and septicemia and improve patients’ rescue success rate, so it deserves to be promoted in clinical practice.