• 烧伤休克期应用高渗盐溶液复苏的作用机制研究进展
  • Research Progress on Mechanism of Action of Hypertonic Saline Solution Resuscitation in the Treatment of Burn Shock
  • 袁春雨,孙业祥.烧伤休克期应用高渗盐溶液复苏的作用机制研究进展[J].中国烧伤创疡杂志,2018,(2):113~120.
    中文关键词:  烧伤  休克  高渗盐溶液  复苏  作用机制  研究进展  综述
    英文关键词:Burns  Shock  Hypertonic saline solution  Resuscitation  Mechanism of action  Research progress  Review
    基金项目:基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(81272092)
    袁春雨 安徽医科大学第一附属医院烧伤科 
    孙业祥 安徽医科大学第一附属医院烧伤科 
    摘要点击次数: 2210
    全文下载次数: 4617
          【摘要】 严重烧伤后及时予以合理的液体复苏可直接影响患者的后续转归,降低远期死亡率。研究发现,与等渗盐溶液相比,严重烧伤后应用高渗盐溶液进行液体复苏,可减少补液量,降低机体容量负荷,减轻组织水肿,防治低钠血症,且能够减少全身炎症反应及机体氧化应激损伤,进而降低全身各组织器官的损伤程度。遂笔者于本文中综述了烧伤休克期高渗盐溶液复苏的部分作用机制,旨在为高渗盐溶液在烧伤休克期的临床应用提供理论依据。
          【Abstract】 Timely and correct fluid resuscitation after burn shock can affect patient’s outcome and reduce late mortality rate. Compared with isotonic saline solution, resuscitation with hypertonic saline solution has the following advantages: less fluid input and less volume load on organism, mild tissue edema, no hyponatremia, less systemic inflammatory response, less oxidative stress injury and less injury to all the tissues and organs of the body. In this paper, the author summarized some mechanism of actions of hypertonic saline solution resuscitation in the treatment of burn shock to provide theoretical basis for the clinical application of hypertonic saline solution at the stage of burn shock.