• MEBT/MEBO治疗慢性难愈合创面临床体会
  • Clinical Experience in Treating Chronic Non-healing Wounds with MEBT/MEBO
  • 陈方凯,李晓辉.MEBT/MEBO治疗慢性难愈合创面临床体会[J].中国烧伤创疡杂志,2018,(4):233~235.
    中文关键词:  慢性难愈合创面  烧伤创疡再生医疗技术  湿润烧伤膏  疗效
    英文关键词:Chronic non-healing wounds  MEBT/MEBO  MEBO  Clinical efficacy
    陈方凯 福安市医院外科 
    李晓辉 福安市医院外科 
    摘要点击次数: 2395
    全文下载次数: 4802
          【摘要】 目的 探讨烧伤创疡再生医疗技术(moist exposed burn therapy/moist exposed burn ointment,MEBT/MEBO)治疗慢性难愈合创面的临床疗效。方法 对2013年1月—2017年8月福安市医院外科收治的42例慢性难愈合创面患者采用MEBT/MEBO治疗,观察创面愈合情况。结果 所有患者创面均完全愈合,愈合时间为8~15 d[(11.0±4.5) d];随访6~12个月,愈后皮肤均无明显瘢痕增生及挛缩,肤质及功能与正常皮肤相近,部分皮肤留有少许色素沉着。结论 MEBT/MEBO治疗慢性难愈合创面,可有效促进创面愈合,减少瘢痕增生,疗效显著,且操作简便,安全可靠,值得临床推广应用。
          【Abstract】 Objective To observe the clinical efficacy of Moist Exposed Burn Therapy/Moist Exposed Burn Ointment(MEBT/MEBO)in the treatment of chronic non-healing wounds.Methods Forty-two patients with chronic non-healing wounds admitted to the Surgery Department of Fu’an Hospital between January 2013 and August 2017 were treated with MEBT/MEBO to observe the wound healing condition.Results Wounds of all patients were healed and the healing time was 8-15 d[(11.0±4.5) d].The follow-up of 6- 12 months found no obvious scar hyperplasia and contracture on the healed skin which had similar skin texture and function to the normal skin,with mild pigmentation in some skin.Conclusion In the treatment of chronic non-healing wounds,apart from its simple,easy and reliable operation,MEBT/MEBO can effectively promote wound healing,reduce scar hyperplasia,deserving to be promoted in clinical practice.