• 烧伤创疡再生医疗技术治疗Parkes-Weber综合征致下肢溃疡1例报告
  • A Case Report of Lower Extremity Ulcer Caused by Parkes-Weber Syndrome and Treated with MEBT/MEBO
  • 苏顺清,田可敬,邓静.烧伤创疡再生医疗技术治疗Parkes-Weber综合征致下肢溃疡1例报告[J].中国烧伤创疡杂志,2018,(5):319~321.
    中文关键词:  烧伤创疡再生医疗技术  Parkes-Weber综合征  湿润烧伤膏  溃疡  效果
    英文关键词:MEBT/MEBO  Parkes-Weber syndrome  MEBO  Ulcer  Effect
    苏顺清 东莞市大朗医院烧伤整形科 
    田可敬 中山大学附属东华医院烧伤整形科 
    邓静 中山大学附属东华医院烧伤整形科 
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          【摘要】 文内报道1例2012年3月东莞市大朗医院烧伤整形科收治的Parkes-Weber综合征致下肢溃疡患者在给予其全身综合治疗的同时,局部应用烧伤创疡再生医疗技术治疗,治疗30 d后,创面基本愈合,患者出院,并于家中自行应用弹力套持续加压包扎治疗;出院后随访5年,愈后皮肤无明显瘢痕增生,溃疡无复发。
          【Abstract】 This study reported one patient with lower extremity ulcer caused by Parkes-Weber syndrome who were admitted into the Burn and Plastic Surgery of Dalang Hospital of Dongguan in March 2012.In addition to systemic treatment,the local wound was treated with MEBT/MEBO.After 30 days of treatment,the wound was basically healed and the patient was discharged from the hospital to manage the wound at home with the elastic sleeve wrapping-up.The five-year follow-up after discharge from hospital showed that no obvious scar hyperplasia on the healed skin and no relapse of ulcer ever occurred.