• 痔病退变学说的病理生理学探讨
  • Pathophysiological Perspective on the Degeneration Theory of Haemorrhoids
  • 杨玉刚,杨向东.痔病退变学说的病理生理学探讨[J].中国烧伤创疡杂志,2018,(5):378~380.
    中文关键词:    发病机制  病理生理  退变学说  静脉曲张学说  肛垫下移学说
    英文关键词:Haemorrhoids  Pathogenesis  Pathophysiology  Degeneration theory  Varicosity theory  Anal cushion prolapse theory
    杨玉刚 开封市中医院肛肠科 
    杨向东 成都肛肠专科医院 
    摘要点击次数: 1981
    全文下载次数: 4194
          【摘要】 随着医学技术的不断发展,现有的静脉曲张学说、肛垫下移学说等痔的发病学说已不能完全阐释痔的发病机理。经临床观察和病理生理学研究,杨向东教授发现,痔的发生与发展符合生物退变的原理,遂于2014年首先提出了痔病退变学说,即痔实际上是直肠末端血管和组织的退行性改变,且部分研究显示,年龄的增长以及久蹲、久坐、便秘、腹泻等导致的痔均符合这一学说理论,故笔者于本研究中从病理生理学角度探讨了痔病的退变学说。
          【Abstract】 With the advancement of medical technology,the current theories such as varicosity theory,anal cushion prolapse theory and etc.cannot suffice to fully explain the pathogenesis of haemorrhoids.Based on the clinical observation and pathophysiological study,Professor Yang Xiangdong found that the occurrence and development of haemorrhoids conform to the principles of biological degeneration,and thus in 2014 he proposed the degeneration theory of haemorrhoids,that is,haemorrhoids are actually the degenerative change of vessels and tissues at the end of rectum.Moreover,some studies have confirmed that haemorrhoids correlating with age growth,long squatting,sedentariness,constipation and diarrhea are in line with the degeneration theory.Therefore,this paper made an investigation on the degeneration theory from the pathophysiological perspective.