• MEBT/MEBO在老年烧伤治疗中的应用体会
  • Application of MEBT/MEBO in the Treatment of Elderly Burn Patients
  • 王乡宁,张 静,杜 佳,邓 利,黄 雷.MEBT/MEBO在老年烧伤治疗中的应用体会[J].中国烧伤创疡杂志,2018,(6):405~407.
    中文关键词:  烧伤创疡再生医疗技术  湿润烧伤膏  老年  烧伤  效果
    英文关键词:MEBT/ MEBO  MEBO  Elderly  Burns  Treatment
    基金项目:2017 年中国红十字基金会徐荣祥再生生命公益基金科研项目(2017-01)
    王乡宁 郫都区人民医院外科 
    张 静  
    杜 佳  
    邓 利  
    黄 雷  
    摘要点击次数: 2306
    全文下载次数: 4499
          【摘要】 目的 观察烧伤创疡再生医疗技术(moist exposed burn therapy/moist exposed burn ointment, MEBT/MEBO) 治疗老年烧伤的临床疗效。方法 对2015 年6 月—2017 年12 月郫都区人民医院外科收治的80 例老年烧伤患者在积极治疗原发病、抗休克等全身综合治疗的同时, 局部创面采用MEBT/ MEBO 治疗, 观察治疗效果。结果 治疗过程中, 80 例患者创面均无明显疼痛, 且未发生感染, 最终均生理性愈合, 其中浅Ⅱ度烧伤创面愈合时间为7 ~10 d、深Ⅱ度烧伤创面愈合时间为15 ~48 d; 除32 例患者部分深Ⅱ度烧伤创面愈后皮肤留有表浅性瘢痕, 但不影响功能外, 其余患者创面均无明显瘢痕形成。结论 MEBT/ MEBO 可有效预防老年烧伤患者创面感染, 减少瘢痕增生, 减轻疼痛, 促进创面愈合, 疗效显著, 值得临床推广应用。
          【Abstract】 Objective To explore the clinical efficacy of MEBT/ MEBO in the treatment of burns in the elderly.Methods In addition to systemic comprehensive treatments such as management of primary diseases and shock, MEBT/MEBO was used for the local burned wounds and the therapeutic effect was observed. Results  During the treatment course, no obvious pain or wound infection was observed in the 80 patients and all wounds realized physiological healing.The healing time for superficial second degree burn wounds was 7 - 10 d, and for deep second degree burn wounds 15 -48 d. Superficial scar was seen on partial healed skin in 32 patients with deep second degree burn wounds, which, however,didn’t impair functions, and no obvious scar formation was observed in all the other patients. Conclusion MEBT/MEBO can effectively prevent wound infection, reduce scar hyperplasia and pain, and promote wound healing in elderly burn patients, deserving to be promoted in clinical application.