• 下肢血管微创介入在缺血型糖尿病足中的应用效果分析
  • Analysis on the Effect of Minimally Invasive Intervention through Lower Limb Blood Vessels in Treating Ischemic Diabetic Foot
  • 刘井双,于艳梅.下肢血管微创介入在缺血型糖尿病足中的应用效果分析[J].中国烧伤创疡杂志,2020,(6):399~402.
    中文关键词:  下肢血管微创介入  糖尿病足  下肢血管病变  踝肱指数
    英文关键词:Minimally invasive intervention through lower limb blood vessels  Diabetic foot  Lower limb venous disease  Ankle brachial index  Curative efficacy
    刘井双 牡丹江心血管病医院糖尿病分院 
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          【摘要】目的 探讨下肢血管微创介入在缺血型糖尿病足中的应用效果。方法 选取2013年8月至2018年6月牡丹江心血管病医院糖尿病分院内分泌科收治的116例糖尿病足患者作为研究对象,并按照不同干预方法将其分为观察组(60例,92处创面)与对照组(56例,70处创面),观察组患者在常规综合治疗的基础上行下肢血管微创介入治疗,对照组患者在常规综合治疗的基础上行保守溶栓治疗,对比观察两组患者踝肱指数(ankle brachial index,ABI)、创面愈合率、临床疗效及截肢情况。结果 治疗第7、28天,观察组患者ABI均显著高于对照组(t=9.909、8.575,P均=0.000);治疗第28天,观察组患者创面愈合率显著高于对照组(t=10.930,P=0.000),临床疗效显著优于对照组(Z=-3.550,P=0.000);治疗过程中,观察组患者截肢率明显低于对照组(χ2=10.881,P=0.004)。结论 下肢血管微创介入治疗能够有效改善糖尿病足患者下肢血液供应,降低截肢率或截肢平面,促进创面愈合,改善患者预后。
          【Abstract】Objective To explore the effect of minimally invasive intervention through lower limb blood vessels in treating ischemic diabetic foot. Methods One hundred and sixteen patients with diabetic foot, admitted to the Department of Endocrinology, Diabetes Branch, Mudanjiang Cardiovascular Hospital from August 2013 to June 2018, were selected as research subjects to be divided, according to different interventions they received, into an observation group (60 cases, 92 wounds) and a control group (56 cases, 70 wounds). Besides the conventional comprehensive treatments in both groups, patients in the observation group were given the minimally invasive intervention through lower limb blood vessels whereas patients in the control group received the routine thrombolytic therapy. Ankle brachial index (ABI), wound healing rate, clinical efficacy and amputation condition were compared between the two groups. Results On day 7 and 28 of treatment, the ABI in the observation group was significantly higher than that in the control group (t=9.909 and 8.575, both P=0.000); on day 28 of treatment, the wound healing rate in the observation group was significantly higher than that in the control group (t= 10.930, P=0.000), and the clinical efficacy in the observation group was significantly superior to that in the control group (Z=-3.550, P=0.000). During the treatment course, the amputation rate in the observation group was significantly lower than that in the control group (χ2=10.881, P=0.004). Conclusion Minimally invasive intervention through lower limb blood vessels can improve the blood supply in the lower limbs of patients with diabetic foot, decrease amputation rate or cross section of amputation, promote wound healing and improve the prognosis of patients.