• 湿润烧伤膏治愈百草枯烧伤1例报告
  • A Case Report of Paraquat Burned Patient Cured with MEBO
  • 周荣彪,赵贤忠.湿润烧伤膏治愈百草枯烧伤1例报告[J].中国烧伤创疡杂志,2020,(6):412~414.
    中文关键词:  湿润烧伤膏  百草枯  烧伤
    英文关键词:MEBO  Paraquat  Burns  Therapeutic effect
    周荣彪 盐城市第三人民医院 
    赵贤忠 南通市第三人民医院 
    摘要点击次数: 1818
    全文下载次数: 4114
          【摘要】对2019年8月1日盐城市第三人民医院收治的1例老年百草枯烧伤患者的局部创面采用湿润烧伤膏换药治疗,治疗6 d后,大部分创面可见灰褐色新生表皮生成,患者出院;出院后4 d,创面完全愈合;随访4个月,愈后皮肤呈灰褐色改变,无明显瘢痕增生,疗效显著,临床应用价值较高。
          【Abstract】An elderly patient burned by Paraquat, admitted to Yancheng Third People's Hospital on August 1st , 2019, received the dressing change with MEBO to manage the local wounds. After 6 days of treatment, gray-brown newly-born epidermis was found on majority of the wound and then he was discharged from the hospital. 4 days after discharge, the wounds were healed completely. During the four-month follow-up, the healed skin turned gray-brown in color and no obvious scar hyperplasia was observed. MEBO has a high value of clinical application given its significant therapeutic effect.