• MEBT/MEBO在慢性难愈合创面治疗中的基础与临床研究进展
  • Progress of Basic and Clinical Research on MEBT/MEBO in the Treatment of Chronic Refractory Wounds
  • 李杰辉,唐乾利.MEBT/MEBO在慢性难愈合创面治疗中的基础与临床研究进展[J].中国烧伤创疡杂志,2021,(2):77~81.
    中文关键词:  烧伤创疡再生医疗技术  湿润烧伤膏  慢性难愈合创面  信号通路  细胞因子
    英文关键词:Regenerative medical technology for burns,wounds and ulcers (MEBT/MEBO)  MEBO  Chronic refractory wounds  Signaling pathways  Cytokines
    李杰辉 广西中医药大学第一附属医院创面修复周围血管科 
    唐乾利 右江民 族医学院 
    摘要点击次数: 2671
    全文下载次数: 6454
          烧伤创疡再生医疗技术 (MEBT/ MEBO) 立足中西医结合理论,秉承中医整体观念,为创面营造 生理性湿润环境的同时,通过转化生长因子 β1 (TGF?β1) / Smad3、 细胞外信号调节激酶 1 / 2 (ERK1 / 2) 等多种 信号通路调控血管内皮生长因子 (VEGF)、 碱性成纤维细胞生长因子 (bFGF) 等多种细胞因子的表达,在糖尿 病足、 压疮、 静脉性溃疡、 神经性溃疡、 痛风性溃疡等多种慢性难愈合创面的治疗中发挥了减轻创面疼痛、 促进 创面愈合、 减少愈后瘢痕形成率及截肢率等作用,取得了良好的临床疗效。 为更好地指导 MEBT/ MEBO 的临床治 疗,该研究对近年来 MEBT/ MEBO 在慢性难愈合创面治疗中的基础与临床研究进展进行了综述。 【关键词】 烧伤创疡再生医疗技术; 湿润烧伤膏; 慢性难愈合创面; 信号通路; 细胞因子
          【Abstract】Based on the theories of integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine and complying with the holistic view of traditional Chinese medicine,the regenerative medical technology for burns,wounds and ulcers (MEBT/MEBO) presented significant clinical efficacies in treating multiple chronic refractory wounds including diabetic foot,pressure sores,venous ulcers,neuropathic ulcers,goutyulcers and others,by effectively relieving wound pain,promoting wound healing,preventing scar formation after wound healing and decreasing amputation rate,etc. In addition to creating a physiologically moist environment for wounds,the technology can regulate the expression of several cytokines including vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF),basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) through such signaling pathways as transforming growth factor β1 (TGF-β1)/Smad3,extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2 (ERK1/2),etc. For the better application of MEBT/MEBO in clinical practice,this study made a review on the progress of basic and clinical research on MEBT/MEBO in the treatment of chronic refractory wounds in recent years.