• 慢性难愈合创面早期防控体系建设探索
  • Exploration on the Establishment of Early Prevention and Control System for Chronic Refractory Wounds
  • 苏永涛,顾国明,隋颖,王春雷,张波,朱俊晖.慢性难愈合创面早期防控体系建设探索[J].中国烧伤创疡杂志,2021,(3):185~188.
    中文关键词:  慢性难愈合创面  学科建设  移动工作站  专科联盟  多学科诊疗
    英文关键词:Chronic refractory wounds  Discipline construction  Mobile workstation  Specialist alliance  Multidisciplinary diagnosis and treatment
    基金项目:国家卫生健康委重大疾病防治科技行动计划创伤修复专项课题(2017ZX01001?S17?05); 山东省科技厅重点研发项目(201GSF118179)
    苏永涛 北大医疗鲁中医院烧伤与创面修复中心 
    摘要点击次数: 1501
    全文下载次数: 3980
          【摘要】 北大医疗鲁中医院烧伤皮肤外科在烧伤患者逐渐减少, 科室被压缩?合并的情况下, 受付小兵院士 “战时治烧伤, 平时治创面” 理念的启发, 于 2015 年成立烧伤与创面修复中心, 在淄博市开展了以慢性难愈合创面为主的创面诊疗工作, 通过普及创面修复知识, 开展居家照护? 多学科诊疗? 医护一体的工作模式, 建立创面修复移动工作站, 筹建精准扶贫基地, 成立创面修复专业委员会和创面修复专科联盟等组织开展学术交流, 使科室逐渐发展壮大, 走向了可持续发展之路? 本研究主要结合淄博市创面修复学科建设总结该学科的建设经验, 以期能够给予正在建设以及准备建设该学科的医疗机构提供借鉴?
          【Abstract】As The Department of Burns and Skin Surgery of PKUcare Luzhong Hospital saw a gradual admission reduce of burn patients, and the Department faced the challenges of downsizing staffs and merging with other departments, PKUcare Luzhong Hospital set up the Burns and Wound Repair Center in 2015 under the inspiration of the concept "Treating burns in wartime while wounds in peacetime" proposed by Academician Fu Xiaobing. The Center is devoted to the diagnosis and treatment of wounds, especially chronic refractory wounds, in Zibo City. By popularizing knowledge about wound repair, and conducting a new work mode of integrating home care, multidisciplinary diagnosis and treatment, and doctor-nurse collaboration in medical care, the Center has set up mobile workstations for wound repair and prepared to build targeted poverty alleviation base. For the sake of convenient academic exchanges, the Center has established a wound repair specialized committee and wound repair specialized alliance. Now the Center is growing bigger and better on a sustainable development path. This study, based on the experience of constructing the discipline of wound repair in Zibo City, summarized the experience in constructing the discipline, hoping to provide insights for medical institutions that are constructing and preparing to construct such a discipline.