• MEBO治疗骨折内固定术后感染的临床疗效观察
  • Observation on the Clinical Effect of MEBO in the Treatment of Infection Following Internal Fracture Fixation
  • 魏加国,时秀霞.MEBO治疗骨折内固定术后感染的临床疗效观察[J].中国烧伤创疡杂志,2021,(4):268~270.
    中文关键词:  湿润烧伤膏  骨折  内固定  术后感染  创面
    英文关键词:MEBO  Fracture  Internal fixation  Postoperative infection  Wound
    魏加国 黄岛区人民医院骨科 
    时秀霞 黄岛区人民医院药剂科 
    摘要点击次数: 1375
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          【摘要】 目的 总结分析湿润烧伤膏 (MEBO) 治疗骨折内固定术后感染的临床疗效? 方法 给予 2016 年 1 月至 2019 年 4 月黄岛区人民医院收治的 32 例骨折内固定术后感染患者简单清创并保留钢板及螺丝钉等内固定物后应用 MEBO 治疗,观察创面愈合效果及创面愈合时间、感染性骨不连骨性愈合情况、疼痛情况及慢性骨髓炎等并发症发生情况? 结果 治疗 7 d 后,患者疼痛评分较治疗前明显降低 ( t = 20. 665, P < 0. 001);治疗后,创面感染逐渐得以控制,外露骨质及钢板等内固定物逐渐被新生肉芽组织及上皮组织覆盖,创面逐渐缩小愈合;治疗 7 周后, 32 例患者治疗总有效率达100%、 显效率达 96. 88% ? 最终所有创面均完全愈合, 愈合时间为 (46. 3±13. 7) d, 感染性骨不连均达骨性愈合,愈合时间为 (12. 7 ± 3. 7) 个月,且均无复发? 治疗过程中均无感染加重及慢性骨髓炎等并发症发生? 结论 MEBO 治疗骨折内固定术后感染,可有效控制创面感染、减轻创面痛、 促进创面愈合,且无需取出内固定物,操作简便,值得推广。
          【Abstract】 Objective To summarize and analyze the clinical effect of MEBO in the treatment of infection following the internal fixation of fractures. Methods Thirty?two patients with postoperative infection following internal fracture fixation, admitted to Huangdao District People’s Hospital from January 2016 to April 2019, were treated with MEBO after simple debridement, with the retention of internal fixators, such as steel plates and screws. The wound healing condition, wound healing time, bony union of infected nonunion, pain, and the occurrence of complications including chronic osteomyelitis were observed. Results After 7 days of treatment, the patients’ pain score were significantly lower than that before treatment (t = 20. 665, P < 0. 001). After treatment, the wound infection was gradually under control, the exposed bone and steel plates were covered with newly?grown granulation tissues and epithelial tissues gradually, and the wound decreased in size and began to heal. After 7 weeks of treatment, the total effective rate for the 32 patients reached 100% , and the highly effective rate was 96. 88% . Finally, all the wounds were healed completely and the healing time was (46. 3 ±13. 7) d. All patients with infected nonunion achieved bony union with the healing time being (12. 7 ± 3. 7) months, and no relapse was observed. During the course of treatment, no complications such as infection exacerbation and chronic osteomyelitiswere observed. Conclusion In the treatment of postoperative infection after internal fracture fixation, MEBO can help control wound infection, relieve wound pain, and promote wound healing without the removal of internal fixators. The procedure is easy to operate, deserving to be promoted in clinical practice.